Chapter 1

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Percy's POV
"Honey we're here!"

I looked out the window of the train and realized we finally arrived to New York.

We grabbed our stuff and while my mom ushered us off the train.

My mom signaled for a taxi and practically pushed me into the back seat.

"Hey! This is precious cargo right here." I said, pointing at myself.

She rolled her eyes while she laughed. "Sorry. I'm just really happy to be back."

I smiled. My mom was in a toxic relationship that she finally got out of. He was why we moved to San Francisco in the first place.

The reason why my mom wasn't as happy as she deserved to be.

But now, we're back.

And my mom was happy.

So ha you stupid gods.

"Anyways, the apartment is a 20 minute drive. It's the same one we were in before we moved."

I grinned. "Really? Because I miss that place."

She nodded. "Your dad kept it for us. He probably knew we were going to come back some day."

"But that also means my cousins are still there."

She glanced at my evil expression and gave me a look. "What exactly are you planning?"

I smirked. "You'll see."

She shook her head and laughed softly, before turning her attention to the driver and made small talk.

Finally, 20 minutes passed by and we came to a familiar building.

My mom payed and thanked the taxi driver before walking towards the apartment complex.

If I'm being honest, it looked smaller than it did before.

Then again, it's been two years.

Once we got into our apartment, I went into my room and unpacked.

Moving back to New York was sort of a spontaneous decision, so I wasn't able to tell anyone that I was moving back, except Grover.

I grinned.

I ran downstairs and waved at my mom.

"I'm leaving!"


I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned to see my mom grinning.


Jason's POV
I was in my room, admiring my tattoos.

I traced the feather on my forearm as I heard the doorbell ring.

I ran downstairs and saw Thalia opening the door to Hazel and Nico.

"Hey guys! What are you guys doing here?"

Kicking his shoes off and plopping himself onto the couch, Nico said, "I dunno. Our dad just kinda forced us out of the house and 'subtly' hinted to come here. So here we are."

Hazel shook her head. "It's really weird to, because our dad would care less if we stayed in the house. Well, maybe not Nico because he's all dark and gloomy, but, you know."

Nico stuck his tongue out at her and pouted.

Thalia rolled her eyes. "Okay then, what do you wanna do? I mean school literally starts tomorrow."

"Well, maybe you could spend the day with me, show me around, tell me all the juicy gossip before school starts." A new voice entered our conversation.

I turned and saw Percy standing in the doorway, giving his signature lopsided grin.

We must've all been looking at him in shock or something because he said, "What, do I have something on my face?"

I stepped out of my shock. "Percy?"

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