Chapter 21

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Piper's POV
Lately life has been a bit weird. Right when Annabeth and Percy were getting along great, they don't talk to each other much anymore and he talks to Calypso more.

Nico and Annabeth, weird friendship right? They started talking more and whatnot and are pretty good friends.

Then there's Frank and Hazel. They're okay I guess. They always blush and stutter around each other and are so embarrassed that they blush and stutter that they don't realize the other person does as well.

Jason and Leo are becoming pretty good friends also.

Finally there's me.

I'm like an awkward potato that hangs around in random places. Sometimes I'll be with Jason and Leo, while other times I'll be with Annabeth and Hazel.

But, I've become pretty good friends with Percy.

Then it was Jason and I. I don't even know where I stand. He's also been hanging out with Reyna more.

Something messed up the way things were.

And I intended to find out.

-Timeskip to lunch because it's cliche for some drama to go down in the cafeteria-

I walked to the cafeteria and I sat down at the table.

I looked around.

I stood up with a juice box in my hand and cleared my throat.

Everyone looked at me.

"This is stupid."

Now everyone was looking at me like I was crazy.

Except Percy. He looked kind of confused.

"What's stupid?"

Calypso rolled her eyes as Annabeth not so subtly glared at her.

"I mean, a lot of things are stupid. School, homework, how it's really weird right now, how no one wants to acknowledge it, how we're all waiting for someone else to say it, how people like other people but are to scared to tell the people." He grinned and took a bite of his blue cookie and Annabeth's eyes widened. "You know. The usual."

Everyone else gaped at Percy while Annabeth looked like she was about to throw up.

Percy noticed and went to her. "You okay?"

Annabeth snatched her hand away. "Y-yeah."

Percy looked at me confused but I shrugged. Annabeth usually would never stutter.

Percy looked sad. "Is this because you've been avoiding me?"

Annabeth looked taken aback.

"I-I haven't been avoiding you."

Percy raised a brow.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for 10 whole seconds.

She opened them and grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria.

Calypso stood up and started to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to be there for Percy just in case something happens. Why?"

Leo shrugged.

"He can handle himself right?"

Calypso stared at him. "Well I'm his friend. And I want to support him."

Leo took a deep breath. "Do you like him or something?"

Calypso smiled and I thought that maybe she still did. "Before we dated we were best friends. I care about him very much. I care about all my friends. And I wouldn't like him if I knew he liked someone else. And I trust him." She looked at Leo and frowned. "But it seems as you don't trust me."

She stood up and left.

Leo cursed under his breath and ran after her.

The remainder of us just sat awkwardly for 5 minutes till I stood up.

Jason looked up at me. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see if I can find any of them. They've been gone for 5 minutes."

Jason stood up. "I'll go with you."

I waved to everyone else. "See you later guys."

Before I turned, I saw Hazel looking at me. She mouthed at me, 'Good Luck.'

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. I turned to Jason. "Let's go."

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