Chapter 14

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It had officially been the worst week of Lucy's life, and she had had plenty of bad weeks in her life to know what one was. It had started when she was shot in the arm. Lucy knew that Zebadiah had lied when he had told Dr. Brown about a rock breaking the window, and she had the stitches to prove it. Thankfully, the wound was healing nicely and there was no infection, so she had no need to visit the doctor once again.

Sunday was only marginally better because she slept for most of the day, too tired and sore to do much of anything else. On Monday, Thomas had cornered her with a New Orleans's newspaper which featured well known business man Zebadiah Abbott and his latest mystery woman. Lucy had to admit that she looked nice in the photo even as Thomas had given her a hard time about dating the boss, and potentially ruining the LeClair job for them both. It had taken all her powers of persuasion to convince Thomas that she had only been doing Zebadiah a favor, and that she didn't think he was the kind of man to put personal feelings over business ones, not that there was any personal feeling involved.

On Tuesday, her mother had called and sunk both Lucy and Etta into a funk as she begged for money and told them that she was better and off the drugs, that she only needed a little help. It was something that they had both heard before and neither one believed her for a minute. Lucy waited full of dread, knowing that since her phone call didn't get her mother what she wanted she would soon come for a visit, and the last time she had done that she had robbed them blind.

When she had gotten home on Wednesday with a bloody hand and sore arm from working to hard, Shy hadn't come to greet her, nor had he returned to the house by Thursday evening, and she was really getting worried. He was a moody dog and had occasionally disappeared, but he had never been gone for two days before. Her worst fear was that a gator had gotten him.

Lucy was never so glad to see Friday, she worked her day, still not having seen any sign of Zebadiah. He had been gone all week and she had been glad of it. The only highlight of her week had been waking up next to him on Sunday morning. He must have crawled into bed very late because he was deeply asleep when she woke. It had taken everything she had to leave his arms. Somehow, during the time that they had slept next to each other, she had gravitated towards him , and when she had awakened her head was on his chest and her leg was thrown over his. She had been glad to get out of the house without waking him, knowing that if he did wake he would insist on driving her home, something she wanted to avoid at all costs.

She had an unreasonable and senseless fear that if he discovered where she lived she would never be safe from him again.

Lucy was in the middle of packing up her things when her phone rang, and she reached into her pocket and answered it while balancing her bag on her knee to close it. "Hey Thomas!" she greeted. Her voice sounded chipper because she was glad the week was finally over.

"Hey Lucy, I got caught up with Hope at her Doctor's appointment-"

"Is everything alright?" Lucy asked concerned.

"Yes, the Doctor is just running behind, but I won't be able to pick up the cake for Etta," he explained.

Lucy felt her heart sink. That would mean she would have to. Etta loved Hummingbird cake and the diner on the main street made the best one in the parish. Lucy had had trouble being served there in the past, so she avoid the place which meant that Thomas bought the cake for her every year.

"It's been ordered and it's in my name and I already paid for it, so you should be able to slip right in and pick it up without a problem." Even he didn't sound too sure at the idea.

"It'll be fine Thomas," she assured him, not wanting him to worry about it.

"You sure?" he asked once more.

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