Chapter 25

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Lucy was cleaning the last of the mess in the kitchen when Thomas entered, holding the baby.

"Would you like to hold her?" he asked as moved towards her.

"Where's Hope?" Lucy asked, wiping her hands on her pants as she reached for the baby.

"I told her that I was going to come spend some time with you and let you hold the baby. She decided she was going to take a nap while she had the chance." He gently handed over the baby and Lucy cuddled her close.

"She's beautiful Thomas," she said with tears of happiness for her friend.

"I'm worried about you Lucy," Thomas said after a few minutes of silence. As if the world had heard the ominous tone in his voice, the wind rattled the shutters that were closed against the storm.

"Why? I'm fine Thomas," Lucy insisted as her body began to naturally rock the baby.

"It's you and Zebadiah he's so cold, I worry that if you fall into a relationship with him that you will get hurt. I can't see him loving anyone, at least not for very long." Thomas watched her carefully. "I know that you had a vision, but are you sure it wasn't just wishful thinking?"

Lucy thought about the early scene in the kitchen, he had been anything but cold then.

"What did you and Zeb talk about that night up in his office?" Lucy asked, "I noticed that he took over the job for you the following week, is that the act of a cold man?"

"It's the act of a man that wants his house finished and is willing to help, I never said he wasn't a fair man, only a cold man." Thomas shook his head. "We talked about a few different things."

"Me?" Lucy asked.

"In part, I asked him if he believed you were a witch."

"What did he say?" She held her breath.

"He said that he believed you when you said something along the lines of,  if you were, your life would be a hell of a lot easier. I told him that didn't sound like you."

Lucy smiled. "Would you worry less if I assured you that he is fair, and that with me he is anything but cold."

"He's warm and cuddly then?" Thomas snorted in disbelief.

"No, he's gentle and kind, and considerate of my feelings and wellbeing. He takes care of me and keeps me safe. He also believes me when I tell him about my visions."

"So, you told him about your vision?" Thomas asked, shocked.

"Only part of it, I left my part in it out,"

"Why? If he's so great and believes in you, why wouldn't you tell him?"

Lucy shrugged. "It's complicated."

"You're afraid he won't believe you, admit it."

Lucy turned her back to Thomas only to find Zeb leaning against the doorway watching them. She froze wondering how much of their conversation he had heard. By the look on his face it must have been most of it.

"The questions I have are how much and what exactly did you leave out of the vision Lucy?" he said, his voice quiet, and she jumped at the sound of it.

Thomas spun around and looked at Zeb, but Zeb hardly noticed because his eyes were glued to Lucy.

"Why don't you come up to my study when you and Thomas are finished here?" Zeb suggested and then turned and left as silently as he had arrived.

Lucy handed back the baby and then closed her eyes in mortification.

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