Chapter 31

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The hotel had called a brief meeting for the restaurant staff, and Lucy was sitting at a table in the back with Paisley, who was being chatted up by a new waiter named Dean.

While they waited for the management to arrive, Lucy thought back to her quick trip home the previous week. Etta hadn't been awake when she had arrived, and she had seemed slightly off the next day, but nothing that worried Lucy overly much. The house had needed a good cleaning and there had been plenty to do, so she had stayed to get it done.

She had also stayed with the hope that Zeb would track her down in order to explain his comments to her, but he never did, and Etta didn't mention his return. It didn't appear as if there had been a plan between the two of them, which was a little disheartening.

What could he have meant by saying he had never agreed to an engagement? It had been posted in the paper, how could that have happened without his agreement?

She remembered how it had felt when he had held her close, keeping her safe from Joel, and she frowned at the thought of Joel, hoping that she wouldn't have another run in with him anytime soon. He seemed to be getting nastier every time she saw him.

"What are you thinking about so hard over there?" Dean asked. He was a tall skinny young man who liked Paisley but was guarded around Lucy.

"Nothing much." She shrugged, looking away from him.

"I hope they get here soon," Paisley said. "I got Lionel to agree to let me come to this meeting, but if it takes much longer he's gonna be livid." She popped a bubble with her chewing gum, giving  Lucy the impression that she didn't particularly care.

Lucy had always thought the temperamental chef had a thing for Paisley because she got away with a lot more than everybody else did.

As if he had heard Paisley's request, the manager of the restaurant, Mr. Bernstein, walked in with a few women, one of which was Zelda Abbott. Lucy sank further down in her chair, hoping she wouldn't be noticed as the manager began to talk about the annual Halloween Ball that was being held in the ballroom of the hotel. The restaurant was catering, which meant that it was a great chance for some of the staff to get overtime.

If Zelda noticed her she didn't give it away as she stood next to two women that Lucy didn't recognize.

It was a short meeting, and they were soon released to return to work or their time off, and the manager moved with the women to a table at the back of the restaurant, implying that they were about to have lunch.

The table was in Lucy's section.

"Hey Paisley, can you take the manager's table? I need to call my grandmother and check on her." Lucy said.

"Sorry, no can do, Lionel will kill me." Paisley looked over at the table and gave a mocking smile. "Besides, this is your chance to get in good with some of the upper crust of New Orleans. Of course, the only one at that table worth talking to is Zelda Abbott."

Lucy followed close on Paisley's heels as she walked towards the kitchen, wanting to ask her what she knew about Zelda.

"You better get over there, the manager looks anxious." Paisley grinned, ducking into the kitchen.

Adjusting her apron over her uniform of a starched white shirt and black slacks, she walked towards the table.

"Hello Mr. Bernstien," she said to the manger as she smiled at the table as a whole. Zelda met her eyes and returned her smile, giving her a little wink, but otherwise not saying a word, and relief washed over her.

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