Chapter 34

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Lucy was late getting off from work. It was as if everything had been against her all day. When she raced home and entered her apartment it was to find Zeb sitting across from Paisley. Paisley looked a bit frustrated and, even though Zeb was wearing his aloof look, Lucy picked up on an underlying current of amusement from him as he and Paisley stared at each other.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I'll only be a few minutes, do I need to dress up?" she asked, hoping the answer was no. Lucy looked at his informal state of dress and realized that it would be easy for her to match, but she was relieved when he confirmed her guess with a shake of his head.

She raced around her room, discarding her uniform and reaching for a pair of jeans and a soft cotton t-shirt with a light sweater. She was changing out her shoes when Paisley entered her room, throwing herself on the bed with a pout.

"I tried to steal him, but he wasn't interested." She watched Lucy as she stood and moved to the mirror above her dresser to check her hair. "Then I tried to get him to share what was going on between the two of you, but I couldn't crack him"

Lucy smiled at the idea of anyone cracking Zeb. "I would have been disappointed if you had." She reached for her wallet, keys, and phone, shoving them into her pockets. "There is nothing going one between us," she insisted.

"That's not what Dean said, he said that you were Zebadiah's date to the annual Abbott Gala and that he bought you a very expensive strand of pearls."

Lucy rolled her eyes. "I was there as his friend and he had to buy something, he does every year. I did not get to keep the pearls, have you seen any pearls around here?" Lucy demanded, her anger getting the better of her. "Dean's a rat who is trying to make trouble for Zeb by going to the press with his lies."

Paisley held up her hands in surrender. "O.K mama bear, I believe you, but I will say that you must care a little to be so upset about it."

"Of course I care, he's my friend!"

"But that's all?" Paisley asked, watching her closely.

"That's all!" Lucy confirmed, turning and leaving her room in a rush. When Zeb stood as she entered the living room, she couldn't help but admire the way he filled out his jeans and t-shirt, and the leather black jacket he wore gave him a rebel vibe. Lucy had a feeling that she had just jumped from the frying pan right into the fire.

"Are you ready?" he asked as she joined him.

She couldn't speak so she nodded and headed for the door.

"I won't wait up!" Paisley called as Lucy closed the door behind them.

"Your roommate is..."

"Annoying?" Lucy supplied.

Zeb grinned, letting his guard down, she could actually feel the change in him. "Enthusiastic."



"She said she hit on you and was upset because she couldn't get you to talk," Lucy watched his reaction to her blunt words.

"She did, and it was very flattering, but it would take a lot more than an annoyingly enthusiastic and curiously nosy roommate to break me." He led the way to his car, opening the door for her as she laughed at his witty reply.

He caught her face with his hand and dropped a quick kiss on her lips. "Thank you for giving me a chance to explain," he said, and all she could do was nod in reply, breathless at his intense look. "There's a lot I want to say..." Lucy watched as he struggled to find the words and she felt her heart melt. "I am sorry that I hurt you."

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