Chapter 27

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Zeb was true to his word. The storm ended and everyone left by the end of the following day after all the roads had been cleared and reopened. Lucy had kept to the room with Faith until everyone was gone and then watched as Zeb put her in a car. Lucy didn't bother to ask where she was going, she didn't care.

She wanted to speak to Zeb, but with Etta wanting to go it was hard to do. She wasn't sure what she was going to find at the house, so she took Etta home first, deciding to go back to LeClair after she had dropped her off; if it was safe to leave her.

The house was fine and Shy was laying on the pier awaiting their return. Wherever he had found to wait out the storm had kept him safe. She helped Etta open the house and clean up the little that needed cleaning then she got back into her car and headed towards Zeb's house. She would gather up the rest of their stuff and talk with Zeb; apologize for her mother.

As she pulled up to the house she took her time, gathering up the courage to face the man inside. The door opened easily under her hand, almost as if the house was expecting her. She was greeted by silence and darkness, so she waited, listening for any signs of life in the house. Perhaps Zeb had left. Part of her wished that he had gone so she wouldn't have to face him.

Taking a deep breath, she started up the stairs, pausing halfway up to gather her courage once more, and as she reached his study she noticed the light and knew he was there.

Her tread was silent, and she stood in the doorway, watching him as he typed something into his computer. He looked tired and remote, and for the first time she was a little afraid of him and what he would say.

"I was wondering how long it was going to take you to make it up here, did you take the scenic route?" He leaned back in his chair and looked at her.

"No, I was nervous to see you again."

He looked at her, not saying a word, so Lucy entered the room.

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked softly as if he didn't want to scare her away.

"Not physically, but I'm afraid of what you're going to say," Lucy licked her lips nervously.

He stood and walked around the desk motioning for her to join him, and as Lucy crossed the room she felt as if the floor was falling out from under her, and when he took her hand she froze. She saw a bright light and visions, so many visions. Some of them had her and him, others had her and him and three girls, one with silver hair. They were both young, middle aged, and finally old.

"Lucy?" he asked softly, waiting for her to respond. When she looked at him she had tears in her eyes, it could only mean that he had made a decision, a decision that included her in the rest of his life.

She cleared her throat and looked away from Zeb. She needed to remember why she was there, she needed to apologize. "I'm sorry about Faith, Etta always believes her when she says she's changed. I think it's the mother in her always hoping that she has."

"Don't worry about Faith, she's been dealt with," Zeb said as he reached out and took her hand pulling her towards him.

"H-how?" Her voice trembled, but not because of the question or the answer, but because there was something different in his touch, in the way he was looking at her.

"Let's just say that I made sure the necessary authorities knew about her parole violations." He tilted her head back to look up at him. "I don't want to talk about your mother or grandmother. In fact, I don't want to talk at all."

Lucy let out a squeak. "You don't?" she asked as he wrapped one arm behind her back.

"No." Lucy watched only for a moment before her eyes closed and then she felt the shock of his lips meeting hers. His kiss was gentle but brief and her eyes opened as he pulled back.

"Will you stay Lucy? I want this to be as much your decision as it is mine."

She nodded, knowing that if she didn't she would regret it for the rest of her life.

"I was afraid that you wouldn't come back tonight. I told myself that if you didn't I would let you go, but I don't think that I would have been able to do that."


He smiled tenderly at her question, as if he could tell that she didn't want him to talk, she wanted him to kiss her. She could feel his body pressed tightly against hers as he held her close, his heart beating as fast as hers.

"No," he confirmed as his lips claimed hers once more, his hands holding her head before they moved lower, gathering her close.

"Just you and me Lucy," he murmured as he slowly pushed her back towards the bed.

For now, she agreed silently, thinking of her earlier visions.

When Lucy awakened much later she sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest as he looked around for Zeb. It only took a moment for him to join her with a tray of food. He was wearing only a pair of blue jeans and she took her time admiring the view. He looked better under his clothes than she could ever have imagined.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he sat next to her on the bed, pouring her a glass of wine.

She nodded as she accepted it, fighting a blush. When he leaned back and pulled her close so that she rested in the crook of his arm, she relaxed as contentment washed over her.

"You had a vision right before I kissed you, didn't you?" he asked, kissing the top of her head. It amazed her that this supposedly cold man could be so sensitive and gentle.

"I had several," she admitted.

"What were they?"

She smiled secretly to herself. "They all involved you."

"What does that mean?" He tilted her head up so that she was forced to look into his eyes.

"It means that you made a decision," she explained, knowing that she had explained it to him before.

"Then you know the decision I made?" he asked.

"I think so." She nodded.

"Good, remember it. Don't forget it." His tone was suddenly serious.

"Why?" Lucy asked, sitting up quickly. She knew she wasn't going to like what she was about to hear.

"I have to go away for a while. The storm caused significant damage to the company site in Texas, and I have to go and help with the clean-up. I don't know how long it will take." He set his glass aside and took hers.

Lucy couldn't help the dread that suddenly filled her heart. She hadn't had anymore visions filled with red, but she felt like they were there, just out of reach. He was still in danger and if she couldn't see him she couldn't see the danger to either one of them. Maybe if she could hear the right words it would comfort her.

"Zeb, why?"

"Why do I have to go?"

"No, why me?" She had thought about it, he could have any woman he wanted, why would he choose her, an outcast with a troubled past and a troubled family.

"Because, you're Lucy," he said simply before taking her lips.

It was a vague answer at best that left her wanting more, but at the touch of his lips against hers she was once again lost.

She had wanted more, more that would sustain her while he was gone, but as he kissed her she forgot about his leaving, about everything but how his touch felt, how he surrounded her with something that felt an awful lot like love.

If only her gift would have told her about what lay ahead, she might have demanded more.

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