Chapter 35

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Lucy followed Zeb into his house and into the living room, she was relieved that it wasn't his bedroom. It seemed she was bound and determined to underestimate the man at every turn, maybe she was part of the problem. He had begged her to remember her visions while he was gone, but as soon as he was away from her she had lost her faith in him.

But how was she supposed to act when she read about his engagement to another woman?

"Would you like a drink?" he offered.

Lucy shook her head and moved to the window that looked out over the garden. She couldn't see much but it gave her something to do.

"Would you like me to start at the beginning?" he asked, sitting in a chair next to the fireplace, drink in hand, watching her.

"That would probably be best," she agreed, turning to join him. Sitting across from him on the couch as she grabbed a pillow and held it close, unsure if it was for comfort or protection.

"The first time I saw you?" he suggested.

"Zeb, not that far back!" Lucy rolled her eyes.

"No, I think that's the perfect place to start." He leaned back in his chair. "You had a vision, several if I recall. I didn't have a vision, but I felt...excitement, I was intrigued and then instantly jealous when Thomas pulled you aside. You looked shocked with your first vision," he looked at her.

"That was the one where I saw you with the two little girls." She nodded.

"Our little girls," he said softly, and Lucy felt a thrill zoom through her at his words, "what haven't you told me about the vision?"

"I was pregnant, we were taking the girls up to bed and I was following behind you, making sure the little one didn't fall down the stairs, and you were making me nervous as you lifted the oldest over your shoulder, making her giggle." It seemed so real to Lucy, more now than it ever did. She remembered that she had felt that they were in love.

"I heard little girls giggling." He smiled at the memory. "I thought it was Cecelia and Gianna. What was the second vision, the one where you grew pale?"

"That was the one where I saw red and you fell backwards." She shivered as she remembered.

"And the third vision, the one where you blushed. I loved watching you blush, it was charming. I have wondered ever since then what you saw to make your cheeks that red." He gave her a devilish grin and Lucy blushed again.

"I saw us," she cleared her throat, "we were in a big bed surrounded by white."

"What were we doing Lucy?" he asked, his eyes darkening.

Lucy blushed again. "I'll leave that to your imagination."

He laughed. "But not for long I hope."

Lucy's blushed deepened.

"The next time I saw you, you were all alone in that house, anyone could have come by and hurt you." He frowned at the memory.

"The door was locked," she defended herself.

"Yes, but the house is so large, and you were wearing headphones, I doubt if you would have heard a window break, and Bradley showing up the way he did only proves my point." His eyes drilled into hers, trying to get her to admit that he was right. "Feeling protective of another person was new to me. I have never felt that way about anyone else before, but there is something about you that makes me feel it." Lucy watched his hand clench around his glass. "When I saw Bradley touching you the other night, it took every ounce of self control I had not to hurt him." Lucy watch a shudder course through his body. "The thought of someone hurting you, of you being hurt, it almost brings me to my knees." His eyes met hers and she could see the truth of his statement.

"From the moment I met you I knew I wanted you, but I didn't know how bad until you turned me down. Then, as I realized how innocent you were, I hated myself for suggesting it."

"But you don't hate yourself for taking what you wanted and then leaving me?" she asked, unable to hide the hurt and fear in her voice.

"I didn't take what I wanted, it was, thankfully, given willingly, and I didn't leave for good. I was coming back as soon as I could, and if that dolt of a sister of mine and her friend hadn't started playing games, I would have been back much sooner. I was always coming back, but by the time I thought it was safe to call you I couldn't get you on your phone, and the words I miss you and I love you were not something I wanted to pass on through someone else, damnit!"

Lucy froze, she actually stopped breathing at his words.

He continued as he rose out of his chair. "You fascinate and frustrate me because no matter how hard I try I can't get a grasp on what you're feeling or thinking. I'm generally self-assured and know what I want and how to get it, but with you that all goes out the window. You make me feel like a damn kid who doesn't know whether I'm coming or going, and I'm nervous as hell every time I ask you out that you'll say no, and you often do!" He was yelling by this point and Lucy was crying happy tears as he said all the words she always wanted to hear.

He made her feel powerful and wanted.

"I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the room when I enter it with you, and I want to destroy everyone who has ever hurt you and can't see how wonderful you are." He pushed his hands through his hair in frustration. "And jealous, every time I see Thomas with you it's like a punch in the gut that he knows you better than I do!"

"Not in every way Zeb," she interrupted him, walking towards him, placing her hands on his face. "I love you too, and I'm so scared that this is some crazy joke. I should have trusted the visions, I should have trusted you, you've never given me a reason not to. But it's hard and I don't trust easily. Why would a man like you want me?"

"Because you're-"

"Lucy," she finished for him. He had finally stopped yelling. "The funny thing is that everyone talks about how cold and hard you are, even you, but you've never been that way with me. I see a very passionate man who is unbelievably generous and kind and accepted me when no one else would. You believed in me and I'm so sorry I didn't believe in you." She was truly crying, and he held her close.

He looked down at her and kissed her hard, looking deep into her eyes. "I do love you."

"I love you too," she said, her voice breaking.

He smiled gently. "And I forgive you for not trusting me..." He waited, his eyebrow arched.

"You're forgiven for taking what you wanted and leaving and not calling me for two months," she agreed. She knew he wanted her to apologize too.

"Why do I have a feeling I'm forgiven but it's not forgotten?"

"Oh, it won't be forgotten, and I reserve the right to remind you of it for the next fifty years at least."

"That sounds like a plan, you're lovely, will you go to the Halloween Ball with me?" he asked

"You always do that!" She all but stomped her foot as he traced her face lovingly.


"Throw me for a loop by throwing in a bunch of compliments around a serious discussion then asking me something off the wall!"

He nodded, not really agreeing or disagreeing with her take on what he was doing. "I thought we could dress up like Prince Charming and Cinderella."

"So long as Cinderella is dressed like a waitress because I promised to work."

"Fine my silver eyed witch, you work and I'll play, but for the record once we're married you'll never have to worry about money again.

"Zeb," she said. His comment reminded her of her mother and the trouble she could cause between them. "My mother-"

"Not something I'm worried about in the least."

He kissed her hard making her forget about all of the things they had yet to discuss, there would be plenty of time, a lifetime.

"You'll stay?" he asked.

"Yes, unlike some people I know, I'll stay, but if I do leave I'll call every once and awhile."

He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

Somehow she got the feeling he was done talking.

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