Chapter 15

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As Lucy entered the house she could smell her grandmother's jambalaya cooking and it made her mouth water. Etta had tried to teach her the recipe years before but Lucy hadn't been interested. However, now she thought it was about time that she learned how.

"How was your day?" Etta asked over her shoulder as she removed some cornbread from the oven.

"It was good, I don't suppose you've seen Shy?" she asked as she lifted the lid to the pot that was next to her grandmother and took an appreciative whiff.

"No, but don't worry, he's around," Etta assured her as she looked at the bag on the counter. "What's in the bag?"

"That's your Hummingbird cake. There was a mix up, so I wasn't able to get you a whole cake this year, but at least we have a few pieces."

Etta eyed Lucy, and Lucy returned her look without flinching.

"A piece is all we really need," Etta assured her before she turned back towards the stove. "Go wash up, dinner is just about ready, and I'm hungry."

Lucy looked at her grandmother's back, wondering how much she really knew about what had happened at the diner. They had never discussed what her particular gift was.

It was a warm evening, so Lucy changed into a cotton sundress that flowed around her ankles and slid on some flipflops before rejoining her grandmother to help set the table.

They had just begun to eat when they heard Shy barking furiously at something.

"I told you he was fine," Etta said around a bite of cornbread.

Lucy rose to go check on Shy, wanting to make sure he was in once piece. As she stepped out of the house and onto the dock she immediately noticed Zebadiah standing at the other end with Shy holding him at bay with his menacing barks.

Lucy took her time to study him, even with a growling dog he didn't seem to be deterred in his mission as he took a step towards Shy and Shy took a step back. He looked up and saw Lucy watching him and their eyes met. She didn't know how long they looked at each other before her grandmother joined her.

"He's something, isn't he," Etta said with a smile in her voice, "he's big enough to fight all of your battles."

Lucy jerked at her grandmother's voice, and she realized why she hadn't want Zebadiah to come to the house. She didn't want to get her grandmother's hopes up about a relationship between the two of them.

"Invite him in Lucy, there is plenty of food," Etta suggested before she turned and walked back into the house, leaving Lucy and Zebadiah to stare at each other once more.

"You'd better come in then," Lucy finally said, calling for Shy to come, which thankfully he did.

"I don't think that I have ever had such a warm welcome before," Zebadiah said once he reached her side.

Lucy didn't say anything only turned sharply and led the way into the house. "We were just starting to have our dinner, you're welcome to join us if you like," Lucy offered as she moved to the kitchen to get another place setting.

"Thank you, it smells delicious," he said, being just as formally polite as Lucy was.

It was evident that her grandmother found the exchange amusing as she sat at the table with a smile on her face.

"Zebadiah Abbott, this is my grandmother Etta Monroe." Lucy introduced as she joined them at the table with the extra place setting.

Zebadiah sat a box in front of Etta. "Yes, the birthday girl," he greeted softly. "I believe you enjoy Hummingbird cake," he said as Etta opened the box with a smile.

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