Chapter 18

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"What the hell is going on between you and Abbott?" Thomas hissed as he led the way towards the kitchen which was at the rear of the house.

"Nothing is going on, I haven't even laid eyes on the man for over two weeks!" she hissed back.

Thomas muttered something under his breath as he stepped over the mess that included extension cords, saw horses, lumber, and even a few bricks. "Why didn't you bother to tell me what was going on here?" he grumbled, pushing a sawhorse out of the way so that he could get to the electrical panel.

"And have Hope kill me, no thank you," Lucy returned. "How is the baby by the way?"

"She's beautiful, perfect, wonderful!" Lucy could hear the smile in his voice even though his back was to her.

"Show me a photo," Lucy insisted and waited as Thomas pulled out his phone and pulled up the photos before he handed it over.

Lucy scrolled through the photos with a smile as Thomas flipped switches with no luck.

"I don't suppose anyone thought to turn the tools that were on upstairs off and unplug them?" she asked offhandedly while she flipped through the photos.

Thomas muttered an oath, and Lucy couldn't help but grin at his mistake.

"You're tired," Lucy reassured him. "But even if you do unplug everything she probably isn't going to allow the power on until the site is set to rights."

"Is there a problem?" Zebadiah asked from across the room, looking a the two of them.

"I don't suppose you remembered to turn off everything upstairs?" Lucy asked him over her shoulder.

"I just did, what does the power situation look like?" Zebadiah said, not missing a beat.

"Nothing, I don't know what the problem is?" Thomas said, scratching his head.

"I told you what the problem is, clean everything up tomorrow and try again." Lucy handed Thomas back his phone and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Thomas wanted to know.

"I'm off the clock, I'm going home," Lucy said

"I thought you didn't work by the hour only by the job?" Zebadiah quirked an eyebrow and Lucy bit back a grin at the move, wondering if the fierce look he was now giving her worked in the boardroom.

"Ok, then, electrical work isn't in my contracted job description," she parried as she pushed by him.

"You've discussed your job description with Mr. Abbott?" Thomas asked, shocked at the idea.

"Yes, I caught her working late one night and I was concerned about overtime, and her being here alone, but she reassured me it wasn't a problem," Zebadiah clarified.

"Lucy, you were here by yourself!" Thomas all but shouted.

Lucy shot Zebadiah a quelling look. "You promised you wouldn't tell!" she hissed.

"I don't believe I promised, agreed maybe, and only because it was convenient at the time," he explained.

Lucy's face turned bright red in anger and she stomped past Zebadiah, her movement's jerky as she gathered up her stuff because she was in a rage, and both Thomas and Zebadiah followed her into the room, watching her.

"Thomas, would you please excuse us?" Zebadiah requested.

Thomas looked from one to the other and nodded, moving onto the front porch and closing the door behind him. At his departure the air in the room grew tense as Zebadiah and Lucy stared at each other.

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