Chapter 3 - The Adoptive Parents

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Today was Friday, Lucy had packed and was ready to go, they were coming at 10 am.

Finally 10 am came around and it was time to go. Lucy suddenly remembered there rudeness. But she wasn't complaining yet. She wasn't really thinking straight to be fair, she was still stoked by yesterday's events.
I mean she had a twin brother.

Lucy highly doubted that she was ever going to meet him. She had no idea where he was, he might of gone to New Zealand for all she knew.
This morning Ms. Hollad came to speak with her. She told Lucy that her twin brother (Lucy questioned how she found out this) was in fact aware of her. Which was great.

After the last, and final chat between Ms. Hollad and Mrs and Mr. Dursley Lucy got into their car and drove three hours to get to Privet Drive, which was where Lucy was going to live for the next eight years of her life.
Lucy still didn't know if the next eight years of her life were going to be enjoyable or not.


As Lucy carried her trunk to the house, Mr. Dursley ran to the door.
"HARRY! GET THE BLOODY DOOR BOY!" Harry? Lucy had already come up with a conversation starter.
As Lucy walked in she saw two boys.
One had a fat body, with blonde hair, he was eating what looks like about fifteen Red Skins in his mouth.
The other boy was so incredibly skinny he looked like a pencil, he had bright green eyes, just like Lucy's, he had dark brown (almost black) hair, just like Lucy's. They looked so similar.
The skinny boy looked at Lucy, I he realised how similar they look.
"Introduce yourself for goodness sakes!" Mr. Dursley screamed.
"Hello, I'm Harry. This is my cousin Dudley." Harry rolled his eyes to signal that he didn't like Dudley, thankfully Dudley and his parents didn't see it.

Not long after Lucy arrived two owls came through the door, Mrs and Mr. Dursley screamed.
The owls went all the way up to where Harry and Lucy were sitting.
The owl who was closest to Lucy dropped a letter.

It said:

Dear Lucy M. Potter,

I am pleased to insure you that you have got a place in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Term starts on 1st September.

The Hogwarts Express leaves on platform 9 and 3 quarters at 11 am.

Please find enclosed ticket.

Have a great holiday,

Minerva McGonnagall
Deputy Headmisstress of Hogwarts

Lucy looked at the letter that Harry got, it was the same.
But it was adressed to Harry J. Potter.
It couldn't be.
"This may seem weird, Harry, but what's your middle name?" Muttered Lucy.
"James. Why?" Harry looks at Lucy's letter. He looks up at Lucy.
Lucy read his mind.
"My middle name is Marley." Lucy and Harry froze.
It can't be Lucy was sure that there are heaps of Harry James Potters.

Suddenly Mrs and Mr. Dursley found out what was happening. They stood up, almost pushing Dudley over and grabbed both by the arms to the kitchen.
"Girl what's your name? Petunia, that bloody orphanage gave us another, mean, rude, ungrateful little brute." Mr. Dursley growled.
"My name is Lucy Marley Potter, and I am not a rude, mean, ungrateful little brute! And let go of ME!" Lucy screamed. Mr. Dursley was now choking them. Suddenly the kettle started boiling angrily, then exploded.
The kettle exploded all over the kitchen, all over the floor, then went all over Mr and Mrs. Dursley, they screamed and let go of Harry and Lucy, as this happened a big giant hit the door down. Mr and Mrs. Dursley screamed again.
The giant shot water all over the Dursleys, the water came out of an umbrella.
Lucy and Harry looked at each other.

Who is this?
"Sorry about that." The giant said.
The giant dragged his umbrella towards the fireplace, shot it and fire came out.
Lucy could feel the heat instantly.
"I know you, your the monster who showed up on our door step nine years ago. With Harry." Said Mrs. Dursley.
"You know this person?" Said Lucy to Harry.
"I have no idea!" Harry said angrily.
"You know him! Who is he?" Harry yelled and the Dursleys.
"O' course you know me! I delivered you here 'll those 'ears ago! After your parents got murdered." The giant said.
"You said my parents, AND my twin sister died in a CAR crash!" Harry yelled.
"A car crash? Kill Lily and James 'Otter? No! And Lucy aswell! Curse you muggle!" Said the giant.
"Well we had to say something!" Mrs. Dursley muttered.

The conversation went on between Mrs. Dursley and this giant. After a while Harry said, "Excuse me but who are you?"
"Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts." Said Hagrid.
"Now you two better come with me to London, we have some shopping to do." Said Hagrid. "Unless you want to stay of  course!"

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