Chapter 11 - First Month

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Malfoy was giving the death stare to Emily from then on, he was spreading awful rumours of Emily, Harry and Ava but mostly Emily.
Malfoy even had a bruise mark on his face, it was almost black. Obviously, Malfoy found that a perfect way to brag to Pansy Parkinson and other girls that seemed to fancy him, Emily almost vomited when he would brag and the girls would get all flirty and giggly with him.

Besides that, all of the students at Hogwarts called "Lucy" Emily really quickly. It was like her name was never Lucy, Emily didn't even need to tell them because they already knew.

Both Harry and Emily didn't exactly like Ava, well they did but you know, why was she keeping all of these secrets, I mean Emily has a right to know.

Harry and Emily definitely were more connected than they were with Ava, they had never met her until the day they went to Hogwarts. Harry and Emily had known each other for about 2 months already, and besides Ava wasn't as similar looking as Emily and Harry, as Emily and Harry had jet black hair Ava had a lighter brown shade of hair, also Harry and Emily had emerald green eyes, Ava had a more aqua shade.

The weird thing was, was that Ava was born first, Emily second and Harry last. But their scars were the opposite. It was almost like their scars were in line with each other, as they were occurring from down up, from oldest to youngest.

And obviously, the most apparent thing was that Emily and Harry were Gryffindor, Ava was a Slytherin.
That didn't make Harry and Emily like her any less but it did prevent them from seeing each other as much. Harry and Emily hardly knew Ava.

Harry and Emily befriended Ron Weasley, the boy they met on the train, while Emily had befriended Hermione Granger, Parvati Patil and Dean Thomas. Emily loathed Draco Malfoy, Lavender Brown, Georgia Moon and Salia Newland.

Emily and Harry had already had at least 4 lessons of all of the subject. Emily and Harry's favourite were Defence Against the Dark Arts or D.A.D.A and Flying with Madam Hooch, Emily, Harry and Ava had all won themselves Quidditch positions. They were the youngest Quidditch players in a century.
Ava was a seeker and so was Emily, Harry was a seeker as well because they let both Harry and Emily be seekers as both Draco and Ava were.
They even changed the Ravenclaws team to be Kylie Igness and Amy Sunrise both playing as a seeker.
Of course Hufflepuff changed theirs too, Cedric Diggory and Finly Newland.

Their first match was in 2 months and they were starting practise tomorrow.

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