Chapter 10 - Draco Malfoy and Emily

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Harry and Lucy had woken up at 7 am the next morning. They both went out to meet each other in the common room. "What is our first class, Harry?" Lucy asked. "I think that it's transfiguration. But you might have to double check that." Harry said.
Lucy got out the timetable in the drawer near the fireplace, and read it.

1st Year Gryffindor Timetable, Term 1


9:00am: Tranfiguration
10:00am: Potions
11:00am: Charms

Lunch break

1:00pm Flying Lessons
2:00pm History Of Magic

3:00pm End

"I was right, well transfiguration starts in two hours. We could go for breakfast?" Asked Lucy.
"Okay then let's go.'
Lucy and Harry went down to the Great Hall together for some breakfast. In front of them was a formiliar face, Draco Malfoy.
Lucy and Harry walked past Draco Malfoy.
"Hey, watch it there Potter! Did your mother ever tell you to not push in?"
Draco breathed, he pushed Lucy into a wall then punched her in the jaw.
"Hey, back off Malfoy! Don't touch her!" Harry yelled, Ava walked between Lucy and Draco and pushed Draco away from Lucy, Lucy walked infront of Draco.
"You shouldn't of done that, Malfoy." Lucy muttered.
Lucy punched Malfoy on the jaw, too. He dropped to the ground and groaned.
"Maybe you can tell your perfect mummy that a girl in her 1st year had punched her wittle Dracokins in the facey-wacey." Lucy laughed.
"At least I have a mother, and a family who loves me. Potter, well, you never had one and never will." Draco spat.
"Draco I thought we were friends! Your not just insulting her, you were insulting me aswell! I don't mind if you are enemy's with my siblings, but if you insult them you are insulting me to." Ava cried.
"At least I don't have scars all over my face! Why do you get famous if you are ugly?" Draco yelled.
Harry, Lucy and Ava have had enough. Lucy got so angry she punched Malfoy in the face, again!

It was true, Harry, Lucy and Ava all had lightning shaped scars on their faces, Harry's was on the left side of his forehead, Lucy's was one the left side of her cheek and Ava's was on the left side of her neck. All of the scars were blood red and sometimes, on a bad day, had red skin around it as well (like an infection). All three of them had been to the doctors many times when the skin around their scars had been red, the doctors always said that there was nothing to worry about, the was no infection.

Out of Harry, Ava and Lucy, Ava had the easiest life. She lived with dumbledore, no orphanage and no Dursleys. She already knew about her family, what she was and her parents death. Harry and Lucy both felt that she still new things that both Harry and Lucy didn't know.

"Harry, Ava and Lucy Potter." Said a strict voice. They all turned around to see a strict teacher with beautiful grey hair, emerald green robes and half moon spectacles the same as Dumbledore's.
"Could you please come to my office immediately."
The triplets heart had started beating more fast, they all had that terrible feeling of guilt, the feeling that you never want to feel again. All exept for Lucy. Her fists were still clenched up in tight balls, her hands were going red. Her body was still really tense, you could feel her boring holes into Harry, the professor in front of them and the the floor.
"Please enter and sit down." Said the teacher. The siblings walked into a tidy room, filled with books and quills.
"I am Professor McGonagall. I am almost certain that you haven't met me before. Maybe you Ava but none else. I am sure you are all wondering why I have collected you and brought you to my office?" She asked.
"We know and we are sorry, we all just got angry and I don't know if you know how it feels but-" Ava started.
"Ava what are you talking about? Anyway I will talk about that more later. Right now I want to speak to you about something, very important. Firstly, I was told that Harry and Lucy were informed about something they were not supposed to be informed about until their second year. Not their first day, Ava."
"I am sorry, professor." Muttered Ava.
"That is okay Ava, but we must talk about something even more important. Dumbledore wishes me to tell you this, Lucy but, but I honnesly don't know how to tell you this, but no  one knows, well you, Harry and Ava don't know your name."
"Professor, her name is Lu-" Harry started.
"Harry, that is not her name. Potter, your name is, well this is so much harder than I thought. Potter your name is Emily, your name is Emily Potter, Emily Harper Potter, Harry James Potter and Ava Lily Potter."
Lucy, I mean Emily was astounded, Emily was a billion times better than Lucy! And having Harper as a middle name is even better. Harper is beautiful.
"Honnestly Lu- Emily, Emily suites you way better. Way better." Said Harry.

Emily thought the same.
Her Harry and Ava walked out of the room.

"I just want to tell you, Emily. That you have a power. A power to read minds." Ava said.
"Thank you for telling me that. I was so confused. Is there anything else?"
"Yes. You'll just have to wait Emily."

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