Chapter 9 - Slytherins at 12 AM

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Harry and Lucy walked to the Gryffindor common room with the other first years sorted into Gryffindor. They both were trying to get a glimpse of the first year Slytherins, to see is Ava Potter was there.
Harry and Lucy didn't get to see Ava, they just heard her name.

Suddenly Lucy saw a girl with black hair and green eyes. "Harry there!" She said pointing to Ava.
"Should we go up to her?" Lucy said.
It was too late. She had gone down into the dungeons, "Come on Lucy, we are spending the whole year with her."
"Yeah what if we never go up to her and she never comes up to us for the whole of the year?"
"Okay we will this week but just not today, okay?"

The Gryffindor prefect said, "Caput Draconis" and the picture opened.
"You better remember that! It our password."

As they walked in, they saw a beautiful room, themed with a scarlet red. They had a high view of the grounds, and handsome red couches were on scarlet red carpet infront of a crackling fire.
"Boys dormitorys are the first one on your left, girls are same on the right."
Said the prefect. Lucy and Harry said goodbye and parted into their separate stairs.

Lucy walked into her dormitory and saw, Hermione, Parvati Patil, Lavander Brown, Georgia Moon and Salia Newland already unpacking their trunks.
"Hermione!" Lucy ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Thank god we are in the same house!" Hermione said.
Georgia walked up to Lucy and Hermione.
"Hello I'm Georgia Newland. I got sorted into your house too." She exclaimed with to much expression, Lucy thought.
"Hello Georgia, I'm -"
"Lucy Potter. I know, I read about you."
"-and this is Hermione Granger."
"Oh, your the nerd everyone has been talking about."
Hermione curled her hand into fists.
"Don't mind me asking, Newland, but who has said those words, exactly?"
"Well. I heard them talking on the train. People like, Lavender Brown." Georgia pointed to Lavender Brown across the room, "Draco Malfoy and Ava Potter."
Lucy looked at Hermione who looked so angry she was going to cry.
"I HATE them SO much!" She cried, Lucy put her arm around her, "I know right I hate Malfoy too, I feel like punching him 24/7!" Lucy said to Hermione.
"And I'm sorry Ava said that about you. You never know, she could be awful. But Georgia could be just messing with us, you know?"
"Maybe. Anyway, let go down to the common room."
"Yeah good idea."

When they went to the common room, Harry and Ron were there already.
"Harry. We have got to speak with Ava." Lucy said pulling Harry away from Ron and Hermione.
"Come on, we could go now?"
"Now? Don't you think that the Slytherins would be in there common room?"
"Fine, lets just get it over with then."

Harry and Lucy creeped out of the common room without anyone seeing them, ran down the hall and followed where the Slytherins had walked and Lucy and Harry had seen their sister for the first time.
"Harry!" Lucy whispered as she saw the Slytherins coming their way, she pulled him under a table right outside the hall.
"Lucy what are they doing? Why are they out at this time?" Harry whispered. Lucy checked her watch, 10:30, she showed Harry.
"Harry this is fishy." Lucy whispered, Harry nodded with his finger on his lips and pointing at the mob of Slytherins, they could see Ava walking with them silently. Why were they that silent? When the Slytherins turned a corner Harry and Lucy followed them, they weren't going to their common room. Lucy and Harry were following them for about 20 minutes.
"Harry it's been almost half an hour, how are we going to get back?"
"Lucy please be a bit quieter, if we get caught we will have detention."
"I think this is a bit worse then detention."
"Probably ye-" Suddenly Lucy covered his mouth. Ava had walked near their hiding place (behind the wall so they could spy on the Slytherins).
"Harry, Lucy? Why are you here?" Ava said in an eerie voice not facing Harry and Lucy.
Lucy felt like cursing she was so scared, Ava was so creepy.
Slowly Ava started to turn around to face Harry and Lucy.
She was now facing them.
"Ahh, I thought you were here."
"Ava, do you have something to tell us?" Harry said softly.
"Well I think you already know. I am so sorry I didn't look for you on the bus, or write to you, Dumbledore made me swear to secrecy."
"Do you live with him?" Asked Lucy.
"Yes, I wasn't supposed to tell you until your second year!"
"Why?" Harry and Lucy said in unison.
"He didn't tell me. I asked him and he didn't tell me."
"Ava, so your our sister." Lucy said
"Yes I am your sister, I'm you triplet."
Ava said and hugged Lucy and Harry.

"So what is Slytherin doing at this hour?" Asked Lucy.
"Just practising quidditch."
"Quidditch? At this hour?"
"Long story, new training."
"Ava, term has just started and besides your not even on the team!"
Ava looked at her watch.
"Shoot, I have to see Fluffy-"
Ava ran off.
Lucy and Harry looked at each other.
"Harry I don't think Fluffy or Ava are a part of the quidditch team, and they are NOT playing quidditch!"

Suddenly they heard foot steps.
"This way." Lucy whispered to Harry as she pointed right and they ran down the staircase.
"Potters. Just like their father." Said a deep slurred voice.
Lucy grabbed Harry and pushed him to a wall and pointed up, "He will see us."
Then they heard even more footsteps, it was the whole Slytherin house.
"Ava, what are your fellow triplets doing at this hour?" Said the man.
"I don't know sir but I am positive that they did not go down these stairs." Ava said, shaking.
"And why should I believe you?"
Ava gulped.
"Multiple reasons, sir."
"Professor, professor I saw them just now running down those stairs."
The professor looked at Ava, "I will deal with you later."

I was true. Lucy and Harry had ran down the stairs, shivering with fear.
"Forget about them, we have other plans."

Relief washed over Harry and Lucy's faces, "I think, Lucy, that we should go to the Gryffindor common room."
"I was going to say the same, Harry."

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