Authors Note First

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Hello everybody ! I am back and ready to create a new and better story for you guys !

In my last story Not Too Long, I decided to give up midway and just type what I was feeling, so not only were the chapters incredibly short, but they lack in details and emotions and all the stuff, and I feel embarrassed that I wrote that and so I came up with an idea to RE WRITE the story (obviously) and here we are !!

This time, the story will have long paragraphs, capital letters, and much much detail considering my writing has gotten so so so much better, and now I have a lot of free time to write each chapter.

I'm not sure if i'm going to have the same amount of chapters, since I might combine a few into one, so we'll have to see how that plays out as we go.


If you haven't read Not Too Long, then there are a few warnings as I have posted in the description. I'll be sure to put warnings before each chapter.

•Drug use

Things also might be a bit difficult with like the timeline and such, but overall it's the same story with a bit of changes !

And that's it! I really hope you guys enjoy this new version and thank you for reading ! -E

While I'm Gone - L.S MpregWhere stories live. Discover now