Chapter 7

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I apologize if I'm ever late to update. We're in the process of moving and i've been busy but here's the next chapter ! -E

*Unedited: 1306 words*

*Warnings: Language*


Harry was in the trunk of his own car, squished with all his groceries he had bought prier to this Andrew situation. The man had grabbed Harry and threw him in the back, then continued to throw the groceries. Not caring if any had spilt or dumped out of the bags they were held in.

As Andrew drove to god knows where, Harry had his knees up to his chest, shaking with sobs and fear. He had no idea why this was happening, but he didn't like it one bit. Of course, no one would like it, but Harry was claustrophobic and pregnant at the same time, and those two don't mix well. His claustrophobia can cause stress on him and the baby, but in that moment he couldn't stop.

He just hoped that Andrew wasn't going to do... other things to him. Being kidnapped is bad enough, but Harry had the slightest clue on how to escape and where he would go. He has a friend named Niall who lives in London, but he has no sort of connection to get there. No money, since Andrew took his wallet, and no calling anyone for Andrew took his phone as well.

The car jolted a few times, causing Harry to bang against the side of the car and yelp in pain. But he couldn't move because he was too squished in, there being no room to even stretch his legs out. Which also made his limbs hurt and ache.

As Andrew continued to drive, Harry continued to cry. There was no air in the back either, so Harry was uncomfortably sweating profusely. He just wanted to get out of the car as soon as possible.

His wish was soon granted though. The car stopped, slightly hard, and a few seconds later the trunk was opening up. It took Harry a few seconds to recover from being blinded by the light as he lifted his head up, but once that happened he saw Andrew staring at him with a smirk on his face and hand on one hip.

He chuckled in a deep voice, sending non pleasurable chills down his spine, "Alright Harold. Time to move in to your new home. I already had a few guys grab some of your shit from your old house so don't worry about that. Although I would much rather see you in my clothes,"

Harry gawked at him, not believing that he had people go to his own house that him and Louis shared, to break in and get his clothes. That was utterly ridiculous, and hoped that they didn't trash the house or burn it down or anything. Him and Louis bought that house once they got married, it was their first place together and it was special. That house meant a lot to him.

"D—Did you burn it d—down?" He asked, biting down on his bottom lip.

"No but I should have. The alarm went off so they didn't have time. I also got your prescription for those pregnancy vitamins or whatever. That kid is mine now so I want them healthy yeah? Now, lets get you out of here and feed you. Then we'll go over all the rules."

He didn't like the fact that Andrew was claiming his and Louis' child, but he also couldn't do anything about it. It did make him sick to his stomach, thinking how could someone do this to another human being? It was disgusting and Harry wanted to do nothing more than crawl into a whole and just stay there till Louis got back.

Despite Harry wanting to oblige, he reluctantly nodded and got out of the trunk with Andrews help, sadly. His knees popped when fully standing, and he turned to crack his back quickly while Andrew grabbed some of the bags. He wiped his face from the tears and helped with the bags, deciding that he had enough abuse today and didn't want to get in trouble.

Andrew didn't question it, so he walked off leaving Harry to follow him since he didn't even know where he was.

"Since you're mine now, I made sure to use my cabin house in the middle of nowhere in case your pretty little arse decided to run from me. I expect that you don't, because I won't hesitate to hunt you down myself. Got it?" He halted to look at the younger boy, Harry nodding quickly.

Andrew smiled softly, "Good boy,"

Once the house was open, Andrew led Harry to the kitchen where they set the groceries on the table. The house instantly smelled like beer and cigarettes, making Harry nauseous from it. His eyes widened in realization, and he looked around frantically for the bathroom which was in a hallway under the stairs.

Without question, he set his rest of the bags down and darted for the bathroom, ignoring the calls from Andrew. He fell onto his knees and emptied his stomach out. Coughing and sputtering. His eyes brimmed with tears once more while he struggled to catch his breathe. When he finished throwing up, he wiped his mouth and flushed the toilet before falling against the wall in exhaustion. Physically, mentally, and emotionally he was so tired. Harry just wanted to sleep and forget about all of this.

Before he knew it he was crying again, but when he heard footsteps approach the bathroom he sniffled and wiped his eyes. He put his head in between his knees so Andrew wouldn't be able to see his face. The boy didn't know whether Andrew was going to get mad or something, and he didn't want to make eye contact in fear of that.

The footsteps halted in the doorway, signaling that Andrew was there. But Harry didn't want to look up to see his kidnappers face. He didn't want to be here, crying when he can be at home talking to Louis and eating ice cream.

Andrew cleared his throat as a sign for Harry to look at him, but he didn't, "Harold look at me," He said sternly. Harry, not wanting to get in trouble, complied, turning his head to look at Andrew. The older man didn't show any signs of anger, despite his stern voice.

Andrew sighed, "You've had a long day. Ill give you some food and you'll go straight to bed. I'll spare you the rules till tomorrow," he held a hand out, "C'mon. Let's go eat,"


That night as Harry lied in bed, he couldn't find himself falling asleep although he was exhausted. He kept thinking about his situation and how much he would rather be with Louis or with someone he knew, safe and sound and he could protect his unborn child. But that's nothing but a longing hope now.

Him and Andrew were sharing a bed, Harry got the left side while Andrew got the right. He slept back facing his kidnapper, not wanting to look at him when he wakes up- or at all for that matter.

This was all beginning to be too much for him, but he was too emotionally drained to shed even a tear. Eventually, he went to sleep, but it was the worst sleep he's gotten since Louis left. With waking up thousands of times and forcing himself to stay in the same position even though it was starting to get really uncomfortable.

Harry didn't know if he was ever going to get out of this, but he prayed to anyone that would be listening that he would.


Sorry this is kind of a short one!

Thoughts on where Andrew took Harry?

Thanks for reading !


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