Chapter 4

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^^Cute larry selfie :)

*Unedited: 1440 words*

*Warnings: None*


After a few days of Harry job searching around town, he finally found one at a bakery a couple miles away from his house. It was called The Cinnamon House and Harry fell in love with his. The owner who works there is a cute little old lady named Bertha, and she is such a sweetheart. She didn't even hesitate to give Harry the job, especially after the boy had explained everything to her.

Today was his first day, and he had the morning to afternoon shift, so he had to be there at ten in the morning which isn't so bad. Harry got out of his warm and comfy bed, and laid clothes out of the shower for himself before he washed himself clean. After he got out and changed, he went to the mirror and decided to actually look at himself, because he's been avoiding that lately.

The boy noticed that he had some small pimples on his face that were a bit red and not ready yet, his eyes were sunken in a bit from lack of sleep and stress, and his skin was a bit pale. But none of that concerned Harry, he's only human after all.

Once he dried his hair and styled it the way he likes, he grabbed his camera from the bedside table and walked back into the bathroom.

"Hiya Lou. So uhm, I've found a new job, and before you start to panic or whatever, I wanted to let you know that it's perfectly safe and everything. It's a bakery called The Cinnamon House and my boss is amazing. She's and adorable old lady and she's super sweet, so you have nothing to worry about okay love? I don't want you worrying about me too much. But uhm yeah, that's all for now. I hope you're doing okay and stay safe, I love you."

He decided against showing his baby bump for today, since it was only last week since the ultrasound and it hadn't changed that much. You can barely even see the slightest difference.

Harry sighed and set his camera down back on his nightstand next to his laptop, and threw some comfy boots on. His outfit consisted of a maroon sweater, black jeggings, and light brown boots. He also put a black bandana in his hair to keep it from falling in his face all day. He checked the clock, which read nine fifteen am, and he headed downstairs.

After he grabbed his keys, wallet, and locked the front door, he drove to the bakery with only twenty minutes to spare, and sighed once more. That's all he ever seemed to do since Louis left, just sigh all the time.

Bertha was quick to greet him at the entrance of the bakery, as soon as he got out of his car she was giving him a motherly like hug, and he smiled and hugged back.

"How are you darling? How's the little one? Doing well yeah?" She asked, slightly rubbing his tummy.

Harry nodded, "We're doing alright thank you. What about yourself?"

"Oh you know, just trying to get this business running well. Alright then, lets get you your apron and introduce you to the other employees. You'll love em' trust me, they're all sweet hearts."

The boy nodded, and followed Bertha to the back where the cubbies were. She handed him an apron and put a name tag with Harry Tomlinson on a cubby, now officially claiming it's his, and she led him to the counter where he would be working with two other people.

"So Harry, you've told me that you're into baking and all that, how would you like to help Cassandra with baking?" Bertha asked, motioning to a black haired girl who was fidgeting near the ovens.

"Sure." He replied, smiling at Cassandra.

"Perfect! Cassandra, this is our new employee Harry, and Harry this is Cassandra." She introduced the two, them shaking hands and greeting one another.

"Oh! And here we have Andrew, he's our cashier." She pointed to a buff man that just walked through the front door, his hand clutching a bag with his apron in the other.

He approached the two behind the counter, and started to look Harry up and down, like he was silently judging him. Andrew extended a hand to shake, and Harry complied.

"I'm Andrew, pleasure to meet you," He told Harry, bringing his hand up to lay a light kiss on it. Harry blushed out of embarrassment and weird, and pulled his hand back.

"'M Harry."

Bertha started to light laugh, "Oh Andrew don't be silly now. Harry here has a husband and is pregnant. So watch out for him yeah? We don't want any trouble for Harry or his baby. Cassandra that applies to you too. Now if you don't mind me, i'm going to go in my office and do some work, Cassy you can show Harry what do to yeah?"

Cassandra nodded, and Bertha walked away, but pinched Harry's bum on the way, causing a blush to form and a little squeak to come out. It was awkward with just Harry and Andrew standing in front of one another just talking, but Cassandra pulled Harry away and started showing him what to do and everything.

Before they knew it, the bakery had opened and they all got to work.


The rest of his first day at work went by smoothly, except for the few times Harry caught Andrew staring at him, sometimes at his little bump and sometimes at his bum, but Harry didn't worry about it. He decided not to let anything bother him so he can be in the most stress free pregnancy yet.

Cassandra turned out to be a really nice girl, she was married to a girl named Lizzie, and they were looking for a child to adopt soon. Her and Harry hit it off like best friends, and exchanged numbers before Harrys shift ended and he was able to go home. So far, he would call it a pretty successful day, and since it was only three in the afternoon, he was going to make an update video for Louis. And of course send the one he took that morning with it.

Once Harry got home, he sped walked inside for it was starting to rain a bit. He kicked off his boots and went upstairs, straight away grabbing his camera and sitting down on the bed.

"Hello again Lou. I wanted to make another video to tell you how work went today. It was good, and I made a new friend. Her name is Cassandra and she's the coolest person ever. She's so nice and told me that her and her wife are looking for a child to adopt which is the cutest thing ever! Anyways, I think i'm going to like it here which is good, so like I said you have nothing to worry about. Be careful and stay safe, I love you Lou."

And with that he stopped the recording and downloaded the files onto his computer to send to Louis. When he sent the ultrasound video, Louis replied the next day saying that he teared up watching it and that he can't wait until the baby gets here, although he won't be there when it happens sadly.

Harry purposely didn't mention the part about Andrew at work, but only because he didn't really think much of it. He's had guys and girls stare at him and flirt with him before, and he's learned not to make too much of a big deal about it. Harry knew he wasn't ugly, and he also knew that he had a wonderful husband and that he doesn't need anyone else but Louis. Louis is his everything.

By the time Harry was finished with emailing Louis the videos, he got a bit hungry and went downstairs to make himself some dinner. For he was going to go to bed a bit earlier that night. Work had tired him out from being on his feet for a bit.

He made himself some chicken and veggies, something healthy of course, and ate in the living room while watching some Pretty Little Liars again. The boy just couldn't get enough of the show, it was too damn interesting.

Harry then went to bed last night, finally without crying himself to sleep.


I feel like this was a shit chapter, but it maybe because I wrote this at like 1 am lmao.

Next chapter things will start to get interesting;)

Hope you enjoyed!


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