Chapter 3

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Things will start to go downhill for Harry this chapter, but nothing too bad I promise :)

*Unedited, 1998 words*

*Warnings; none


It was only a few days later when Harry realized that he hadn't been to work in nearly a week, and that wasn't good at all. If he missed anymore days he could be fired. Thankfully though, he had the day shift today, meaning that he didn't have to leave until noon and it was only nine in the morning. Harry had trouble sleeping again, without Louis by his side like usual.

His second ultrasound appointment was tomorrow afternoon, which had also kept Harry awake last night. All he could think about wad his baby and his Louis.

The boy sighed, and thought it'd be best to grab a quick shower, so he got some clothes together for the day and set them down on the stool right outside the shower door and hopped in, scrubbing some shampoo in his curly locks to wash them. Once he was done, he grabbed a big fluffy towel he had set out and dried himself decently dry.

After Harry was dressed and he blow dried his hair, he ate a quick bowl of cereal, grabbed his keys and wallet, his apron, and headed down to work with only thirty minutes to spare. Just enough time to get there, and explain to his boss about what's been happening and why he's been gone for so long.

He drummed his thumbs on the wheel lightly to the beat of the music radiating through the radio, while his hair was being blown a bit from his cracked open window he left down. The drive was short, and when he arrived and parked in his employee spot, he sighed once more. In all honesty, he didn't even want to work, be just wanted to sulk around all day and eat ice cream and watch movies or something.

Harry grabbed his apron from the passengers side and walked in the building, the cool breeze blowing his hair a bit. One of the employees gave him a weird look, but gave him a nice smile nonetheless which Harry thought was a bit strange.

He arrived to his bosses office and knocked on it, waiting for a response.

"Come in." The man mumbled.

Harry walked in an sat in the chair directly across from his bosses desk. Mr.Pine looked up from the paperwork he was reading over and arched a brow at Harry.

"Harry what are you doing here?" He asked, scratching his chin.

"Uhm, to work? And to explain why i've been out for the past few days." Harry explained, and looked down to his hands nervously.

Mr.Pine grunted and shoved his papers to the side of his desk where it was empty ,"Harry I sent you a message over the phone a while back. It appears you didn't receive it.." The man trailed off.

Harry shook his head no.

The old man sighed ,"I'm sorry son, but you've lost your job. Our policy is three says with no notice and then you're fired. With you, you didn't give us a notice within about a week, so I called and told you that I've fired you."

Harry's eyes raised wide, no. This couldn't be happening. First he looses his husband- sort of, then he's pregnant, and now he has no job.

"N-no please sir, you don't understand. My h-husband left for the military and it's taken a t-toll on me, please- I need this job, I swear it won't happen again." Harry whimpered to himself, more tears already leaking.

"Again i'm sorry son, but it's policy, no exceptions. Now i'm going to have to ask you to leave, you can leave your apron on my desk and gather the rest of your things from your cubby."

While I'm Gone - L.S MpregWhere stories live. Discover now