Chapter 1

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Hiiii ! First chapter is up and running ! Enjoy !

Warnings; Mpreg


Louis was only eighteen when he enlisted in the English Army. It was a tough decision at first when he thought about it in high school, but eventually he knew in his heart that he had to do this. Although he could possibly die, he would rather die knowing he protected his country then not. Louis was always that kid who would help others out, even at a young age. He would help old women carry their groceries, other students in his class with their homework, and helped his mum around the house, especially with all of the kids living in it.

Louis' mum broke down when he told her he enlisted at eighteen, for she feared the safety of her firstborn. But after Louis' training was done and finished with, she understood that not only did he want to do this, but he had to do this. If he didn't, Louis wouldn't forgive himself. Johanna was proud of what her son has become, more so because she's the one who raised him to be that way.

Training was difficult, but he got through it and soon enough he would be out in battle whenever they needed him. In high school, he would stay on top of his grades and followed the rules when he took classes for the Army all for this. All they needed to do was give him a call and he would be sent out to fight. The Army had so many people, so Louis didn't necessarily needed to go right away.

They didn't give him a specific time on when they would call, but they wouldn't call for another few years, and in that few years, he's sure to have met his soul mate.

Harry Styles. Harry is two years younger than Louis, and he's his little baby. The pair met at a theme park. The story was, Harry was afraid to go on a rollercoaster, and Louis happened to hear his conversation with his friend, and he helped Harry gather up the courage to go on the rollercoaster. In the end, Harry loved it and they exchanged numbers to keep in touch.

Along the way, they had hung out together with some friends, but over time Louis just wanted it to be Harry and him, and Harry felt the same. Louis finally gathered up the confidence to ask him out, and he did. Harry always became a giggly mess when he was with Louis, and it was all because he was absolutely hilarious. That led to hanging out at each others apartments all of the time, they even gave each other a key, so no more having to knock and such. It was sickly adorable, at least to Harry's best friend Niall. Him and Harry shared their apartment, while Louis lived alone.

On their tenth date, Louis asked him to be his official boyfriend, his first love, his first kiss, and of course Harry couldn't say no, he was already too far gone with Louis.

Boyfriends then led to engagement. Louis had taken Harry out to the theme park they met at, and he went to the ride that he coaxed Harry into going on. At first, Harry just thought it was another date, but then Louis was reaching down into his pocket, pretending to tie his shoe, and he picked out the velvet box.

Niall was hidden behind them, recording. It was all apart of it, Louis had even asked Niall to do it so they could watch the love and excitement over and over again.

Harry turned back around and was at first confused, but then Louis was taking his left hand into his and began saying his speech,"Harry Edward Styles. I've known you for about two years now, but it felt like forever in my mind. You were my first kiss, my first love, and my first boyfriend,"

The people around them had started to watch a coo at them, and Louis took one more big breathe before continuing, hands lightly shaking as he spoke, "I love you with all of my heart, and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and i'm hoping you would want to do the same, so Harry Styles will you marry me?"

Harry had tears gathered up in his eyes, and he took his free hand to cover his mouth in shock. A few people in the small crowd had said "Say yes!" And thats exactly what the Curly hair lad did. He nodded his head up and down enthusiastically, "Y-yes Lou. I'll marry you."

They shared a passionate hug and kiss after Louis slipped the silver ring on his ring finger, and the crowd clapped.

"Hell yeah!" Niall exclaimed, stopping the video.

Their wedding was about a year later, and it was the best day of their lives' for they're marrying their soul mates and they couldn't be happier.

And now in the present time, where Harry is now pregnant with Louis' child, and he hasn't told Louis yet only because he was scared, and Louis was leaving this week for 2 and a half years.

Harry only found out last week, and is beyond scared to tell Louis the news. He knows Louis top to bottom, but still had that thought in the back of his mind that Louis would be mad and not want to be with Harry anymore. The thought lingered, and as Harry sat next to Louis on the couch while they watched some television, he decided that he needed to tell him now, before he won't be able to get the chance too. It wouldn't be fair to Louis to keep such a big thin from him, especially if that thing is half Louis.

Harry took a shaky breath and fumbled with his fingers for a bit, too afraid to do something. He looked down at his feet, and was beginning yo have his doubts.

Louis however noticed the light distress his husband was in, "Haz are you alright? What's wrong?"

Louis turned his body so he was facing Harry now, which put the younger boy under more pressure to spill the secret he hasn't even known for long."I uhm- have something to tell you Lou, but it's hard for me to say so just give me a minute alright?"

Louis nodded suspiciously, but watched as Harry lightly sniffled and continued to play with his fingers.

"Haz, whatever it is, you know you can tell me right?" Louis asked, curious.

Harry nodded, but was still unsure, so instead of sitting there like an idiot and thinking, he would just come clean and tell the truth before he physically wouldn't be able to, but it was taking a bit of an emotional toll on him and he's barely even said anything.

"I'm pregnant." Harry blurted, eyes gazing down, tears filling his eyes. He felt almost disgusted with himself.

He looked up to Louis, who looked dazed for a moment, before spitting a big sloppy grin on his face. "Really?"

"Yes Lou, i'm pregnant."

Louis got up, and tackled Harry in a big, loving, happy hug. "That's awesome Harry! We're going to have a little baby!"

Reality sunk in Louis a few seconds later, causing his face to drop as he pulled back off of Harry, the now big happy smile he had turned into a sad one, filled with hurt and sadness. The tears Harry was holding started to fall down his cheeks, and he began to lightly sob, bringing his knees up to his chest.

It's like Louis didn't want to say anything to hurt or break Harry even more, so he just gave the younger boy a sympathetic smile and pulled him into his lap. Harry's head rested in his lap as tears continued to escape his eyes, a few slipping from Louis' too. Louis combed through the boys curly locks to calm him down, it was a comforting gesture Louis gave him.

After a few more moments of crying together, Louis leaned down and lightly kissed Harry's forehead,"Harry, I want you to know that i'm not mad okay? I would never be mad at something like this, especially if it's something that you can't control."

Harry nodded in his lap, a few more tears slipping out before he wiped his eyes dry and flipped over so he was laying on his back, facing up at Louis. He planted a kiss on the younger lads forehead and sighed.

"Why don't I go make us some dinner and we'll cuddle and go watch a movie? I bet the little one is hungry, yeah?" Louis smiled, and Harry nodded once more, not trusting his voice enough to say anything.

Louis made whatever Harry was craving that night, and then they went upstairs in their bedroom and fell asleep watching The Notebook, with Louis' hand resting on Harry's tummy.


Ahhhhh I finished the first chapter ! How did you guys like it?

Hope it was good ! Thank you for reading !


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