Chapter 2

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I decided that each chapter of not too long will be the same in this book, just longer and more action !

*Unedited, 1034 words*

*Warnings; none*


Today was the day that Louis was leaving. The day Harry would be alone for two and a half years, and the day that the loneliness would start up. Louis was driving them to the airport, Harry deciding that he couldn't let Louis go just quite yet. They held hands with each other, Louis' free hand steering the wheel.

Once they got to the airport, Harry's chest started to hurt, and he knew it was sadness, it was creeping into him inch by inch, and as every second passes he hated it. All he wanted was for Louis to stay and help him with his pregnancy, and because he wants his husband with him.

They were silent as they both got out of the cat and grabbed Louis' bags. Louis got the two heaviest, while Harry got the last and lightest one, taking precautions early.

Louis led the way through the doors, and he got checked in with his ticket, next they were standing in front of each other, standing right outside the entrance to the restaurants and the security lines.

Harry could already feel the tears filling up his emerald eyes, and before he knew it they were falling down, leaving clear streams on his cheeks.

Louis sighed sadly,"Haz I'll be back before you know it alright? I just want you to know that I love you so so so much and i'll try as much as I can to skype you and call okay? Take care of our little one, I asked Niall and Liam to come check on you frequently and keep you busy."

Harry could do nothing but nod, and he pulled Louis into the tightest embrace he could, burying his head into Louis neck. Louis began crying as well, and he fell to his knees with Harry still in his arms.

"I-I love you too Lou. Be safe please, for me? I love you too much to l-loose you." Harry whispered.

Louis nodded and they stood up and pulled away as it was Louis' time to leave, so he wouldn't miss his flight. The couple shared a passionate kiss, with tears still running down their faces, and they pulled away once again, Louis slinging his few bags over his shoulders.

Louis kissed Harry one last time, and they said their last goodbyes.


That night, as soon as Harry got home, he kicked his shoes off to wherever in the house, climbed the stairs, and fell into his bed once in his room. He burrowed under the covers and started to cry. He cried because not only was Louis going to be gone for a really long time, but he was going to miss out on their baby's life. Them being born, them growing up, taking their first steps, and saying their first words. Just those thoughts alone had Harry crying even harder, now doing the ugly cry where there is snot everywhere, and his face spread out while ugly noises came out.

The boy ended up crying himself to sleep from exhaustion, and the next morning the crying had started all over again. But he knew that he couldn't stress himself out too much, for it would harm their precious little baby.

A thought came to him, so Harry ran into his room and kneeled beside his bed, pulling out a brown dusty box with the words Old Camera Things on it. He opened it and spread a few objects around before finding his old camera he used in high school for photography class. It was a perfectly good camera, good condition and everything since he treated it like it was worth millions.

He put the lid on the box half way and darted down the stairs carefully and into the kitchen. Immediately he went to the drawer right next to the fridge and grabbed a pair of batteries, quickly switching them out and throwing the old pair away. Harry went back upstairs and into his bathroom, turning the camera on.

Harry decided that every so often he would make a sort of vlog, where he would tell how his day went and how far along he is and etc. He pushed down the little red button which meant that he was now recording.

First he took his shirt off in order to show off the bump, and he cleared his throat to begin,

"Hi Lou. So I've decided that every now and then i'll make a little update video for you while you're gone and send them to you while you're away so you can see our progress. Uhm, so today I am 5 weeks along," He neared the camera to the side of him, putting his whole stomach to show. There wasn't a bump yet, but the skin was tender, slightly proving that he was indeed pregnant.

"Last night after you were gone, I cried, and this morning I cried. I'm sorry Lou... I'll try my very best to keep my stress to a minimum, I promise. And i'll also be sure to record my first ultrasound which is next week so you can see it. Eh, I guess that's it. Good bye Lou, and stay safe, I love you."

With that being said and done, he took his shirt (Louis' shirt) that lie on the ground, and threw it back on and went to his computer that lay on his side of the bed. Harry grabbed the cord from the box, hooked it up from his camera to his computer, and exported the video onto his computer, later sending it to Louis' email, knowing the older boy always checks his emails.

Harry sighed once more, and went downstairs to make himself something to eat, for him and the little one that he was growing.


I know I JUST posted the first chapter, but I got so excited I just HAD to make and post the second one, aha.

Hope you liked it ! Please leave a vote and comment ! It gives me more motivation to do this story :)


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