Chapter 5

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So I realized that in chapter 4 of Not Too Long that Andrew had already started to abuse Harry and such and I think in this story things are gonna be a bit slower on that part, so the chapters in each book won't add up like I planned but thats okay. K bye.

*Unedited: 1669 words*

*Warnings: (Slight language)*


Harry had been working at The Cinnamon House for a week and a half now. The boy is also now seven weeks and six days pregnant, and Harry just couldn't stop looking at his tummy every chance he gets, whether it's at work or at home, he just can't get enough of it. He's just barely a bit bigger, but he's kept up with the videos for Louis.

Sometimes with Louis, he'll respond within the next few hours after Harry sent them, or it would be a day or two before he responded, but as long as Louis was safe Harry didn't mind. Besides, Harry didn't want to be much of a distraction anyways, knowing how much work Louis is doing right now.

Harry had just gotten to work, and he had just put his apron on in the back when Andrew started to approach him, eyes dark.

"Hello Harold. How's your morning?" He asked, leaning against the cubby's.

"It's uhm, good I suppose," Harry answers, still trying to tie the back of his apron.

Andrew just nodded, and eyed Harry up and down a few times, making the smaller boy uncomfortable as he finally finished tying his apron. "Uh- can I help you?"

"Not at all sweetheart, just watching." He smirked

Harry felt very uncomfortable, and was grateful when Cassandra came in the room. Andrew uncrossed his arms and mumbled about opening the restaurant up as he walked away. Harry let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding in, and calmed his beating heart down.

"Hi Harry! I have some good news!" Cassy said, eyes filled with joy.

She shared the news that they finally found a baby they were going to adopt, and before he knew it the two begun baking and working all day.


Harry ended up having to do two shifts, so he wouldn't be able to go home till seven. Turns out another employee he didn't really know had gotten sick, so Harry offered to take his shift, not knowing that his feet and back would hurt this bad, and it was only three in the afternoon.

He had just finished taking some baked goods to a couple sitting down, when he checked his watched and saw that it was his break time. He breathed a sigh of relief and went into the back, taking off his apron and grabbing his car keys from the cubby.

He popped his head into the front near the ovens where Cassy was, putting some trays in, "Hey Cassy i'm going to run to McDonald's, do you want anything?"

She thought for a minute," Could you just get me a soda?" Harry nodded and walked through the doors and into his car. Driving through the McDonald's drive through, making his order, and eating in the car. Frankly, he didn't want to go in and sit, so he sat in his car and listened to some music while he ate his meal.

By the time he was back, his break was over and gave Cassy her coke while she took her break and he took over for her. Andrew and another employee were working as well, and Harry noticed that Andrew was staring as he bent down to grab some trays out of the oven.

Again, Harry didn't give it much thought, other than the fact that he was really starting to creep him out, and he had the sudden urge to go home early and be out of reach from Andrew. He shook any bad thoughts out of his head, and bagged up an order and set it on the counter while yelling out the number order.

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