Chapter 8

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This chapter is fairly brutal, so i'm gonna put stars around the brutal parts until the end in case anyone wants to skip over it.


*Unedited: 2211*

*Warnings: Rape & Abuse*


That next morning, Harry was surprisingly fast asleep on the bed that smelt of cigarettes and sweat. The boy was far too tired from yesterdays past events, he barely even moved all night. He was just happy to have a bed to sleep in despite his circumstances.

A few moments later, Andrew woke up and noticed how peaceful the younger lad looked while he was sleeping. But that moment didn't last long before Andrew was roughly shaking the boy awake, not wanting to waste anymore time of the day.

Harry made a groggy sounds from the back of his throat, not wanting to move. His head hurt and his eyelids were beyond heavy. He hadn't processed anything yet from yesterday, he just thought he was with Louis in their bed.

Once Andrew noticed Harry wasn't going to budge, he rolled the boy off the bed and onto the wood floor below. The action caused Harry to hit his head again, and land on his arm, a shooting pain going all throughout.

Ignoring the pain and now on full alert, Harry shot up with wide eyes and looked to whoever pushed him off. He obviously didn't do it himself, the action was too forceful for him to do it.

"What the hell?" His eyes met Andrews, and his face paled. All the memories from the past few weeks flooded back in, and right away he regretted not getting up on the first shake.

Andrew growled, "When I tell you to get up the first time, you get up got it? I'm not friendly in the mornings, so don't push it." Harry nodded, not saying anything in fear he would do something unforgettable. He pushed his tears back, not wanting to break just yet.

After that, Andrew said nothing more and left Harry in the bedroom by himself. He let out a breathe he didn't even know he was holding, and shakily stood on his two legs. He placed a hand on his tummy, calming himself down before he starts having a panic attack. That's definitely not what he needs right now.

Once he collected himself, Harry grabbed some sweat pants and a random t-shirt out of the closet, hoping Andrew wouldn't notice they were his clothes and punish him for wearing them or something. It would be quite dumb to punish someone over wearing clothing, but Andrew was also unpredictable so who knows.

Harry's tummy rumbled just as he finished putting his shirt on, and decided to make his way downstairs timidly. Watching his every step and making sure he doesn't break anything or trip, knowing how clumsy the boy is.

There were noises coming from the kitchen as Harry got closer and closer. When he was in the entry way he saw Andrew over the stove making what looked to be eggs and bacon. Hopefully, he was cooking for the both of them because not only is Harry starving, but he's eating for two.

Fear crept into him each step closer he got, scared the older man was going to do something. His anxiety was over the roof right now, and he really needed to calm himself down.

Andrew noticed his presence and gave him a tight smile. Harry nodded his head once before going and sitting down at the table in the kitchen. As he waited for the food, Harry started thinking about Louis. Has he noticed that he hasn't sent any emails in a few days? Or is he too busy to see anyways?

Harry missed him a bunch, and wanted nothing more than for Louis to swoop in and save Harry, save the day, and save him from this monster who abducted him in the first place. All he knows is that Andrew must be bipolar, because just minutes ago he was yelling at Harry, and now he's making him food and smiling at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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