Chapter 6

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Man having writers block sucks, especially when I want this story to be better :/

*Unedited: 1644 words*

*Warnings: Slight abuse, language*


After the whole shenanigan at work with Andrew and Harry, Andrew didn't go to work for 3 days. Harry was more than relieved, not wanting to even look at Andrew after that. Although it may not be a big deal to others, it was to Harry. Nothing like that has happened to him before, and he didn't really have anyone to protect him besides Louis, but he can't obviously.

It was now Saturday, which means that it's Harry's day off which he's grateful for. He can finally clean up the house and skype Louis today. He hasn't talked to Louis besides the emails, and even then Louis' responses were pretty short and one sentenced.

Harry was just finishing up some dishes when he heard a call coming from his computer in the living room. He put the now clean plate into the cabinet and walked into the living room to see it was Louis calling. Harry's breathe hitched as he fiddled with his touchpad and clicked accept.

It connected for a few seconds and Louis' face popped up onto the screen, "Hi Haz!" He said, and it was good to see Louis face after so long.

"Hi Lou. It's so good to see you. I miss you so much," Harry was spitting a big grin on his face despite his sad words.

Louis sighed, "I miss you too Haz. So fucking much. How are you? How's the baby?"

Harry went on and rambled about the baby and the size and everything Louis was more than happy to hear. They only got to talk for another ten minutes before someone was calling Louis and he had to go.

"I have to go Haz, I'll email you okay? Be sure to keep up with the baby updates yeah? They make me happy. " Louis smiled.

Harry nodded and sniffled a bit ,"Alright yeah. Stay safe okay? I love you, bye."

"I love you more. Bye Haz." Louis nodded and hung up. Harry didn't realize he was crying till a tear fell on his lip and it was salty. But Harry was done crying, so he wiped his eyes and his nose and walked back into the kitchen. He was so happy that Louis called. It brightened up his spirits and he felt like running a marathon or something.

After putting the last of the dishes away in cabinets and drawers, he checked in the fridge and sure enough, he had barely any food. All he's been making is macaroni and popcorn this past week, not even thinking about groceries. That means that he has to go buy some or he'll starve. He also needs to buy his prenatal vitamins he totally forgot about.

Harry palmed his forehead and muttered 'stupid stupid stupid' to himself. How could he forget to get his prenatal vitamins?

With that he went upstairs, threw on one of Louis' grey sweatshirts, jeggings, and some red toms that were comfy. He put the top half of his hair into a small bun, making it look more decent since he still had somewhat of bedhead. After grabbing his keys and phone, he was locking the door and hopping into the car, waving at a little girl who was walking her dog along the side walk.

Harry absolutely loved kids, and he couldn't wait till his was born. Despite already messing up as a parent. Except he was new to this, and he had to do it all by himself. Although it was no excuse to forget his vitamins and it wouldn't be the end of the world, he still felt like a disappointment and he wanted to be the best parent ever.

The ride to the grocery store was quick, and he had trouble finding a parking spot since it was a Saturday and it was kind of crowded. After finding one, he grabbed a basket and made his way into the store. The cool air felt nice when he walked in, and he breathed in deeply before heading to the snacks aisle.

While I'm Gone - L.S MpregWhere stories live. Discover now