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NŌKON smiled as her brother showed her his pale slender finger, a drop of deep crimson blood at the tip. "Look Nōkon! It's red!" He laughed before sucking on his finger to get rid of the small wound. "Senkō, don't you get your stitches tomorrow?" Nōkon asked, her pale blue irises rimmed with black looking down at her younger sibling. "Uh huh! I want them on my mouth!" He replied, "Hey 'Kon can we have a staring contest?" The slightly older girl smiled and nodded. Light red clashed with blue as they stared at each other, trying desperately to not blink.


       A sudden loud crash from outside made them jump up instantly, Nōkon standing protectively in front of her younger brother. No one should be home yet, it was far too early in the night. Their parents worked late and wouldn't be back till later. Putting a pale finger over her lips, Nōkon motioned for her sibling to stay behind her and be quiet. His fearful eyes were wide. Fingers wrapping around a knife laying on the kitchen table, Nōkon slowly stalked forward cautiously. Her face was wiped of emotion, her eyes showing nothing but curiosity; She was completely fearless, holding no concept of the emotion. In fact, Nōkon has no idea what emotions were. She lived her whole life numb, only having small feelings but no strong emotions.
       Sighing softly, the white haired girl opened a door and stepped in. She was attacked immediately. A masked man held her by the throat, his rough fingers covering the light blue stitches on her jugular as he squeezed. "Heh, this is easier than I thought," He mumbled, his brown eyes glaring at the younger girl. She blinked and brought her hand up and stabbed the man with the kitchen knife which he had failed to notice. Immediately his dark blood spilled and he stumbled back. Nōkon yawned and pulled the knife out of the man's body and stabbed him again; this time she punctured his thigh. The intruder fell, and a surge of adrenaline rushed through the young girls veins. She felt giddy and stabbed the man repeatedly. His hot blood splattered across the walls and floor as he let out gurgled cries. She had sliced his throat just deep enough to where he couldn't speak. His life force seeped out as all the stab wounds finally took their toll and he laid in his own blood. Tears left his eyes and soaked into his bloodstained mask. His mouth gaped open like a fish as he desperately tried to get air into his failing lungs. Eventually, his twitching body ceased to move and his candle of life was snuffed out into death.
       Blood stained her clothes and hair, dripped down her skin. Nōkon stood, her hair painted red shadowed her eyes as she looked down. Senkō stepped into the room. "Nōkon are you alright?" He asked worriedly. She nodded and dropped the knife next to the corpse before stretching out a bloodied hand to her brother. "Look Senkō, it's deep red."

Senkō stared in the mirror, his pale red eyes rimmed with black trained on his stitched lips. "They look nice." Nōkon commented. He nodded his head in thanks.

"I want to be a ninja," Nōkon said as she laid on the ground. Senkō looked at his older sister in shock. "All I need is the Hokage's permission really... Only problem is that I've never been outside our compound..." She trailed off as she propped up on her elbows letting out a small exasperated sigh. "You should do it," Senkō said as he loosened the stitches on his face. "You think? Hmm.." there was a small pause as Nōkon thought it over. "Alright then, it's settled, I'll go right now while the sun is still high."

Nōkon was about to leave the compound when she stopped and furrowed her brows. She had never been outside of her large compound and didn't know her way around the actual village. The Tamashiiro compound had become its own little town inside the Village Hidden in The Leaf. Haaa, it was the Town of Color Hidden in the Village Hidden in The Leaf. She let out an amused snort before continuing on her journey.
Taking a deep breath she shook away the small feelings of anxiety as she walked forwards. Her pale eyes were wide with wonder as she walked through the village. People stopped and stared at her in disgust. They didn't understand why she had random blue stitches on her throat and arms, or why she had tear drops on her pale cheeks. They didn't like the way her way her hair was white or how her eyes seemed so void of emotion. She was different and they didn't like that.
Cautiously, Nōkon walked up to a lady who was shopping. "Excuse me miss, but do you know where the Hokage is?" She asked politely. The older woman sneered down at the strange girl, "No, now go away you pesky girl!" she barked. Nōkon nodded and continued down the road, asking other people and getting rude replies or getting blatantly ignored. It wasn't until Nōkon asked a man with a forehead protector that she got a kinder more helpful answer.

"I can take you to him if you'd like," the man had said, his dark hair was up in a ponytail and he had a scar running horizontally across his tan face. "My name is Iruka by the way, and you are?"

"Nōkon Tamashiiro"

Iruka's brown eyes widened considerably. "You are of the main branch correct? That's why you have those stitches?" Nōkon nodded as she silently followed the ninja through the village.
Eventually they arrived at the building and walked up the stairs to the Hokage's office. Nōkon knocked three times and waited for a reply. "Enter," Was the gravelly response.
    Nōkon pushed the door open and shyly bowed in front of the village leader. "Hokage-sama I have a request," She said, her fingers messing with the bottom of her shirt. "Yes child? What is it?" The old man asked curiously, his kind wise eyes watching the Tamashiiro girl as she fidgeted.
Nōkon lifted her head and stared at Sarutobi evenly, "I want to become a ninja." after a minutes silence, the old man smiled widely. "Very well then."

»I've had this idea for like, two years and had this chapter written for a while lmao. I found it and edited it a bit and now I've decided to publish it bc I think the concept of the Tamashiiro is real cool tbh. I'm gonna try and incorporate their culture and stuff into the narutoverse and do my best to make this story as non cliche as possible lolol

Nōkon means dark blue and Senkō means light red

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