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👁‍🗨                          👁‍🗨                        👁‍🗨

n ō k o n

I glared icily at everyone who met my eyes.

Most of them flinched back or looked away quickly. I walked with indifference towards our other team mate, Shiko, and stood next to her. Yoshi followed and came to a halt besides me. If you were to look through a crystal ball you'd see three strong Amazonian women, standing together and ready to unleash hell on earth on anyone who dared defy them. "Took you long enough," Shiko grumbled under her breath. I narrowed my eyes at her, "Silence Shiko. Tadashi made me leader and it would do you best to just submit under my ruling."

Her nostrils flared with anger and she whirled around to face me, her cheeks flushed with emotion and her eyes staring straight into my own. "It should've been me! You only just joined! I have more experience and I'm stronger than-" her rant was cut off abruptly as Yoshi pushed her back, a kunai knife pointed at her sister's throat. Shiko was frozen in shock and you could practically feel the betrayal emitting from her. "The higher ups are watching Shiko, behave yourself!" Yoshi hissed, looking around the room through narrowed eyes. I straightened my back as a loud bright voice resonated in my ears.


We turned and stared at the dumb blond. His bright blue eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on me. "Nokon!" he cried out and scrambled towards me. I lifted my chin up and glared down at him. "Keep your distance Uzumaki." I spit out, feeling a strange clench in my heart as I see him stumble. The world turns grey as he looks up at me in confusion, "But we're friends?" he croaks out. Everything fades out and he is the center of my world, his pure blue eyes staring at me, his golden yellow hair making his orange jumpsuit even more vibrant.

I felt a stab in the side of my head and stepped back. "No. No we are not." I whisper to him before turning my back and walking away from the poor confused boy. He's out to get me either way.  They all are. "Trust no one."

After the proctor yelled at the rookies he explained that we would be taking a written exam. He handed out numbers and we all filed in accordingly. I ended up behind Gaara of the Sand, a son of the Kazekage and an enemy of Konoha. My sensei's words rang in my head, echoing and taking up my full attention.

"Anyone not of Konoha is an enemy, eliminate them."

I clenched the pencil we were given tightly and stared down at the test with cold eyes. My body felt cold, I felt as though everyone who saw me could see the grey black. I was thrust back into reality when Ibiki yelled out at us to start and immediately flipped over the test. My eyes scanned through each question, my nostrils flared slightly as each question was even more ridiculous than the last. 'How are we supposed to know this? These are practically jonin level!' I thought to myself. It wasn't until I looked up that I had noticed what was going on. They wanted us to cheat! This exam wasn't to measure our intelligence, it was to measure our intelligence gathering skills. With a small sigh I closed my eyes, and formed a substitution jutsu. No one would know unless they directly touched my substitute. With that, I also performed a clone jutsu and had the appearance of one of test monitors. I looked closely at the test answers the other genin had and wrote them down on my clipboard. Whenever I had all nine answers I discreetly released my clone and substitute jutsu and got back in place, copying down all the intel. Sand fell on my desk and I looked up with narrowed eyes at the sand genin's back.


There was a collection of groans as everyone put their pencils down and looked at Ibiki with defeated gazes. "It is now time for the tenth and final question. However, you have a choice. You can either choose to take the question or to not take it," his dark eyes sparkled with mischief as he continued, "however! If you take the question and get it wrong, then the rest of the questions are marked as wrong and you fail the test. And you will be banned from attempting the chunin exams in the future." The experienced nin paused as everyone gave a cry of outrage and protest. I clenched my jaw and stared down at my team mates who shrinked slightly at my intense gaze. They were black brown grey. Unimportant. Simple background characters.

"The other option is to not take the question, and forfeit the exam. If you do this then you can simply try again next year!" Ibiki announced. Hands raised hesitantly and teams walked out in defeat. Soon enough, a certain yellow boy raised his hand. My dark eyes widened and I almost stood up before the voices hissed in my head again.

"He's out to get you! He wants to harm the clan!"

I winced as my head throbbed in pain with each word they spoke. It felt as thought iron rods were being stabbed into my temples and I clutched the sides of my head and let out an almost silent groan. My vision went black as I squeezed my eyes shut and felt my teeth grind against each other. "Nōkon!" Someone exclaimed.

"Everyone wants to steal your powers! They want to kill the clan! Anyone not from Konoha is to be eliminated! No mercy!"

The voices grew louder and stronger, and with them the pain grew as well. I clawed at my ears, trying to do whatever I could to get he voices out. Make them stop! I felt a warm trickle of liquid escape my nose.

"Can't trust anyone. They know. They know. They know. They're coming to get you! Run! Kill them all!"

"Nōkon stop!" a warm, yellow red blue voice rang out. The screaming voices ceased and I opened my tear filled eyes.

Dark blue met sky blue.


And then the world went dark.

lmao hi. this is sucky but i mean,,, at least it's something ig?

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