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n ō k o n

I bend down in front of a small wilting flower. It's dark leaves had started to shrivel up and it's stem was falling down, unable to support its own weight.

I felt yellow green for it.


My pale fingers brushed against its weak leaves and I gently scooped the dying flower up, taking a piece of the soil with me. I neared my compound and entered silently, my eyes searching for a place to put the flower.


A small pot with thin cracks. Cautiously, I put the flower inside and stare at it, waiting for it to right itself.  "Nōkon? What's that?" I look over my shoulder and see my uncle in law. "A flower, I thought it felt black grey white so I brought it here... Why is it not orange*?" The older man chuckled and patted my shoulder. "You cannot make something that is black grey white turn orange with just a single snap of your fingers. It takes time to heal things Nōkon, you have to take care of it and nourish it, make it red yellow first."

I stare up at him, my dark blue eyes were wide, my mouth slightly open in awe and shock. "I have it heal with time?"

"Sasuke at point B"
"Sakura at point C"

There was a long pause before someone spoke. "Naruto at point A, believe it!"

"Naruto you were late, and where is Nōkon?"

"Point A"

There was a collective sigh at my curt answer. I glanced over that the blond who prepared to leap at the poor cat. I looked up at the clear blue sky and gazed with wonder. It was such a pure light blue that it practically blinded me and forced me to look away.


I wince and take out the ear piece as I jump down to where my team wrestled with Tora, the now found cat. I picked him up by the scruff of his neck and held it away from my body as the feline hissed and clawed at the air viciously. "Alright, mission accomplished!"

I looked down at the dark red blood that seeped from my arm. Three long scratches were that, the blood appeared to be like small shiny beads. Tora had clawed me and I hadn't even noticed. "Here you go Nōkon! To clean your scratches 'ttebayo!" I stared blankly at the cloth in Naruto's hand before whispering a small thanks and taking it. I saw the slight practically unnoticeable blush on his cheeks and felt violet. Why would he blush? Does he... Have feelings of affection for me? Think of me as a friend?

I'm just black grey white and he's red blue yellow. All these color feelings building up made me anxious. I don't like feeling anxious. I chewed the insides of my cheeks and rapped my fingers against my thighs. I flinched as Iruka slammed his fist down on the desk, his face was red orange; mad. He yelled at us and instead of listening, I looked out the window and thought back to my earlier question.

You can help heal things with time? Make something black white grey turn red blue yellow? How? How can a neutral turn primary? It doesn't make sense!


I look up with wide eyes. Naruto was holding my trembling hands, my nails had been tainted with blood. "What happened?" I ask as I look around the quiet room. The adults were staring at me in concern, my team mates were confused. Looking down, I see that I had clawed myself. "W-what? But...I-I didn't... What?" I stutter as blood slowly seeps out. The door suddenly bursts open and an older man stumbled in, reeking of alcohol.  "Eh? These brats are supposed to escort me? What a joke!" He scoffed incredulously. His eyes narrowed at Naruto and he pointed, "You seriously expect me to feel safe with that little kid?"

A drop of blood splats quietly on the floor. My hands are let go as my blond team mate screeches in outrage, threatening to beat up our new client. "Lord Hokage, Kakashi-sensei, Iruka-sensei, Sir, please excuse me for a moment" I say quietly with a bow and rush out the door.

"Meet is at the gates in an hour!" The silver haired male calls out.

"Papa I think I need to start the genjutsu," I say as I step into his room. He looked up from the scroll he was reading and his yellow eyes stared into my blue ones. "What happened Nōkon?" He questioned, standing up and walking towards me. I looked at floor and clenched my jaw, "I hurt myself in front of my team, and the Hokage." A gentle hand was placed on my shoulder and the older man placed his other palm on my forehead. "Relax and don't try to break it, usually we would do this in the ritual room but this will have to work for now." Papa said soothingly before whispering an incantation.

I find myself in a meadow filled with flowers. Everything was void of colors. I look around, the grey flowers swaying in the wind. White clouds glided through the grey sky and the black birds flew. I lean down and pick a flower and suddenly, as though my touch were the catalyst, colors bloomed and painted the world. Bright beautiful green flooded the grown, pure blue blossomed in the sky. The suns blinding yellow shone blindingly and the flowers turned red and various other colors. The birds stayed black but reflected light and looked like sparkles in the sky. I smiled and felt at peace.


A silver deer with great shimmering horns appeared and walked towards me gracefully. It's eyes were such a light blue they were almost white. "Nōkon." It said, stretching it's graceful neck towards me. My hand brushed against its soft fur and I gasped as the colors around me grew more vibrant. The sweet fragrance of flowers reached my nose and I felt content. If I died at this moment then I would be fine with that. After all, this would be a nice way to go out, in a beautiful field with an almost godlike deer at my side.

»what's up? Ya girl is back with another update heck yea lmao. I didn't know what to do with the genjutsu tbh, like I just wasn't sure what to put in it but I figured it out. Sorta.

Anywho, hope you enjoyed! I've also decided to update every Tuesday, so expect the next chapter to be then!

Have a good day

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