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n ō k o n

"Get back! Protect the bridge builder!" Kakashi yelled with an authoritative voice, his eye trained intensely on the tanned man in front of us. "Zabuza Momochi, rogue ninja of the bloody mist and one of the seven demon swordsmen," Kakashi said cautiously, his hand drifting towards his forehead protector and pushing it up, exposing his other eye. A scar ran straight through it and as he opened it, a deep ruby red shone menacingly. "Guess I'll need this to fight you," the grey haired man announced solemnly. Zabuza's laugh bellowed arrogantly, "I get to see the sharigan so soon? I must be lucky!" He chuckled as he hopped down from his sword and ripped it out from the poor tree. Sasuke was explaining the workings of the sharigan and how it only ran in the Uchiha family, but I payed no mind as I gripped my small blade in front of me and inched closer to Tazuna.

Sweat dripped down my neck as mist pooled and swirled around our ankles ominously. It grew thicker and soon enough I could barely see three feet in front of me. It felt as if blue violet was spread in the mist and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck and arms stand on end. Sasuke shook and his arms trembled as he positioned his knife towards himself, "Don't Sasuke, you're vital for red and yellow," I blurt out, a stitched hand outstretched towards him. He pauses his quivering and glances at me before Kakashi's voice echoes in our ears. "Don't worry Sasuke, I won't let any of my comrades die," he announced bravely. There was a sudden shift in atmosphere and my body moved on its own as I leaped towards our client and tackled him to the ground. There was a swish and I narrowly avoided being cut in half by Zabuza's deadly sword. The impact jostled my already bleeding wound and I felt the pain inflame as splotches of white invaded my vision. The bridge builder gasped a breathless "thank you," and I heard the sound of metal on metal in the distance.

I could feel the blood gushing from my shoulder and starting to pool, my arm went completely numb and I couldn't move it. "Nōkon! Are you okay? Come on get back up!" Naruto exclaimed in worry as he rushed by my side. He gently hooked an arm around my waist and helped me up as Sasuke and Sakura stood guard next to Tazuna. In the distance Kakashi fought with Zabuza ferociously. Suddenly, clones appeared in front of us and attacked with the same tenacity.

Naruto and Sasuke quickly went into action and sliced through the clones before they could get too close and Sakura stood next to me, protecting both the client and covering my useless left arm. Suddenly I see Kakashi get trapped. I inhaled sharply as he yelled towards us to retreat and abandon him. My team replied with indignation, refusing to leave the man who has helped us on our journey. I shook my head as he tried to plead with me, feeling a tinge of violet. I opened my mouth as Naruto and Sasuke discussed a plan and Sakura fought with a clone as it tried to get Tazuna from behind. "You told us to never abandon our team mates, now you want us to just leave you?! You're so violet! Yellow green!" I cried out in frustration, my pale cheeks were flushed pink and I breathed heavily, grinding my teeth together. Zabuza stared at me with a grin, Kakashi now submerged fully in water. "You truly are from the Tamashiiro huh? You'd be a powerful weapon of trained correctly... After I get the bridge builder I'll just have to come back for you!" He said, just as Naruto and Sasuke ran forwards with determined faces.

I saw black spots appear before my eyes and a loud ringing noise drowned out all other sounds. I felt faint, barely noticing the blood that had been coming from my shoulder this entire time. "Nōkon!"

Everything blurred out and I drifted out of consciousness.

t h i r d

Shortly after the Tamashiiro girl collapsed, Kakashi defeated Zabuza and had an encounter with the Mist's hunter nin. Naruto kneeled next to the unusual girl in worry, his scratched hands gently brushing her dirtied white haired out of her face, "She'll be alright right?" He questioned out loud. Sakura, who had cleaned and bandaged Nōkon's wound, nodded hesitantly. "She should wake up soon, hopefully her wound won't get infected..." she trailed off as her green eyes caught sight of a swaying Kakashi. Sasuke, who had been next to him snapped to action and caught the older ninja before he could fully hit the ground. Tazuna let out a small whine, "Now we have to carry two people! Urgh, whatever! My house isn't far from here, I'll let you all recover there," he said before walking forwards. Naruto lifted up Nōkon and wobbled slightly, not realizing how much heavier she was then she looked.

She was identical to a twig!
He glanced down and took full notice of her toned arms as her sleeve slipped up. She was more of a sturdy stick than a twig he realized, as her entire body was pure muscle.

"Hurry up Naruto!" Sakura called back to him as she assisted Sasuke in carrying their sensei's limp body. "Coming!" He called back, a slight blush on his cheeks at the fact that he had been caught staring at the lithe girl in his arms. Tazuna let out a snort, a knowing glint in his eyes as he continued forward towards his home.

n ō k o n

I felt brown*.

My entire body ached and my once limp arm was screaming in pain. My stiff limbs groaned in protest as I opened my dark blue eyes and sat up, taking a look at my surroundings. I was in a dark room, the curtains pulled over the window, a small futon lay next to me. I took notice of my own little mat and slowly eased myself up, standing unsteadily as the blood in my veins circulated better. The door behind me slowly opened and I jumped around, my fists in front of me as I took a fighting stance, ready to defend myself. "You're awake! Thank goodness I was starting to get worried!" A high pitched voice said. My eyes adjusted and I realized that it was only Sakura. "Wait, what are you doing?" She asked as she noticed my defensive position. "I thought you were an enemy," I shrug as I relaxed and walked closer to her.

"Where is everyone?"

"Ah, well Naruto and Sasuke are out training and Kakashi is resting. He passed out and when he woke up he told us that Zabuza was still alive! So then he had us all learn how to climb trees with just our chakra, how cool is that!?" The pink haired girl said with a smile. I furrow my eyebrows at the concept of tree climbing, but nod nonetheless. "Could you teach me how to use my chakra like that?"

Sakura's bright eyes widened in slight shock before she let out a blinding smile and clasped my cold hands in hers, nodding profusely. "Of course! I've always wanted to have a cool girl best friend!"

» Bonjour! How'd you like it? I didn't wanna follow the whole anime word for word bc that's boring and I'm too lazy to do that.

Whatcha think of Sakura?

Most fanfics that I've read always make her out to be a weak annoying bitchy character but like, she's not?? Sure pre shippuden she wasn't the best but I feel that it was just an exaggeration of how head over heels she was for Sasuke.

Buuuut, asides from that I've been thinking about the future and like, I wanna make a trilogy for this.

But if I do the trilogy then imma change the title and cover.

I was thinking of making them something like

Book one: Blue
Book two: Dark
and then book three: Nōkon.

I already have the main concept that these are all gonna revolve around and how things will play out so if you suddenly find this titled Blue and with a different cover, then it'll be bc I've decided to go on with the trilogy.

Blue violet = anxiousness, paranoia
Red and yellow = important, vital
Violet = annoyance
Yellow green = sad
Brown = tired


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