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Friday 7:28 a.m.

"YOONGI!" Jaehwa exclaimed excitedly as she stood up from her chair and engulfed the boy in her arms. "I've missed my Suga cube so much!" She whined playfully and Yoongi tried to pry her off him but it was of no use. She was stuck to him and he wasn't going to get rid of her.

"Glad to have you back." he replied dryly and Jaehwa huffed at his words, letting him go.

"Wow I feel the love there bucko." Yoongi's brows frowned at the unfamiliar word that came out of her mouth. "Oh right, sorry... I forget that you're not the best with English." She waved her hand as she sat back down. Yoongi shook his head and sat down beside her. She was quite for a second, biting her lower lip trying to think of a word that would be the equivalent but she couldn't think of one. "There isn't a korean equivalent either...wow this sucks." This caused Yoongi to frown in confusion even more.

"Is korean not your native language?" He asked, really confused and she shook her head.

"Nope. English was." She answered honestly as she took a sip of her coffee. "Hey, you didn't get coffee! I need a second, I got you." She stood up with her wallet and waited in line for the coffee. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. She didn't understand why she was so nervous about this... they were friends. He trusted her when he told her who she was, and this was nowhere near as important as that...but her insecurities were getting the better of her. After she ordered she waited for their drinks and she was bouncing on her feet, hoping, praying that he wouldn't ask her more about it. She took the drinks from the barista and sat back down at their table, handing his drink to him.

"So korean isn't your first language?" He asked and Jaehwa cursed under her breath.



"Why what?" She asked back.

"Why was it not your first language? Why was English your first language?"

"Because..." She answered, badly, but she answered. She looked over at him and she sighed when she saw his eyebrow raised, telling her to go on and continue. "Jaehwa is my korean name. Sarah is my birth name." She told him in a small voice. "I'm actually half korean. My dads American and my moms korean." She replied quietly. Wrapping her arms around her middle, she bent over and rested her checks against the edge of the table, feeling insecure about her background. She didn't want to feel insecure, but... it was hard not to. With an entire culture was all about beauty and how to make themselves look more beautiful, she wasn't the ideal korean...she was a mix and she didn't feel like she belonged. Her eyes were large, though people were getting so many surgeries for double eyelids, but it was the color of her eyes that threw people off... they weren't brown or black. They were hazel, more green than brown. It was weird for koreans to have different colored eyes and she felt insecure about them. She was tall, and she wasn't very lean or small. She had thighs and no gap - she had been called fat a few times by a few colleagues. She knew she wasn't fat by any means, she was thin but she wasn't...korean thin and it bothered her.

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