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Friday 8:47 p.m.

All seven men stood there, completely dumbfounded and concerned at what had just happened. No one moved. No one said a thing. They all stared at the door. Namjoon was confused as to what happened. Hoseok was concerned and worried about the girl. Jimin and Jungkook sat next to each other on the floor, looking up at the door; they were confused and worried. Jin simply stood where he was, holding two controllers limply at his side. Taehyung stood next to Hoseok in the kitchen, looking hurt, emotionally and physically. He rubbed his back gently as he had hit it on the counter when Jaehwa had pushed him. Meanwhile Yoongi stood in front of the door, staring at it.

She shouted at him. She shouted at him, and pushed him away. He was hurt, he felt like he got punched in the chest. He saw tears in her eyes, he wanted to help her, he wanted to know what happened. He opened the door and slipped on his shoes and ran to the elevator.

"Yoongi!" He heard someone call for him but he wasn't paying attention to who it was. He groaned in frustration as he the elevator was taking too long and decided to take the stairs. Luckily they weren't that high up and he ran out of the building and down the street. He was trying to think of where she would automatically run too. The coffee shop. He ran as fast as he could, his lungs were on fire, his body was screaming to tell him to stop but he couldn't. He needed to get to her. He needed to see what was wrong, to make sure she was okay.

He came to a halt when he saw her leaning up against the wall. He let out a sigh of relief as he called out to her, but she ignored him. He heard his name being called by multiple voices, his name and Jaehwa's name mixed together by the voices of BTS. A car slowed down and pulled up to the curb. Yoongi pushed his body to run towards her as she opened the door. He went to grab the door as she pulled it shut.

"Jaehwa!" He exclaimed, hitting the window. "Jae please-" He called out to her but she didn't pay any attention to him but told the driver something. He hit the door again to get her attention but the cab drove of. "Fuck!" He shouted as he went to run after it but someone grabbed hold of his arms. He yanked his arm away and went to push them but they grabbed hold of his shoulders.

"Yoongi! Stop! She's gone ." Namjoon told him forcefully. Yoongi bowed his head and clenched his eyes shut. She ignored him. She pushedhim away. She ignored him. She refused to look at him. She yelled at him. She pushed him away... he kept telling himself that over and over again. She pushed him away...and the look in her eyes. All the emotions he never wanted to see her have. Pain... anger... sadness...guilt...regret. All those emotions were in her eyes when he looked into them. But the moment Jaehwa yelled at him, all he saw was anger and pain. Anger directed towards him and he didn't know why . He clenched his eyes shut, he was feeling pain in his chest. He didn't like this feeling, he hated feeling like this.

"Yoongi...she's gone...let her go." Namjoon told him. "She needs to be alone right now." Yoongi felt someone wrap their arms around him and it smelt like Jungkook.

He didn't know how long they were standing there for, he had no idea how long Jungkook had his arms around him, but Yoongi didn't care. He felt Jungkook's arms fall from his form and grab his arm.

"Let's go back home, Hyung..." He said quietly. "Namjoon hyung is right...Jaehwa needs to be alone right now, and so do you. Let's go home." He added quietly. "We'll try calling her in the morning, okay?" He finished as he, along with Taehyung - who grabbed Yoongi's other arm- began guiding the older boy back the way they came.

Once they arrived back at their dorm, Yoongi kicked off his shoes and headed towards his room but not before grabbing his phone that he left on the couch. Slamming his door shut, he fell onto his bed and unlocked his phone to see if he had any messages for her. Nothing.

He went to his messages and found the series of messages he shared with her brother. They hadn't talked since that day, just as he promised but Yoongi needed answers.

' What's wrong with Jaehwa?' He sent.

' She ran out of here, and she yelled and pushed me away...somethings wrong. Is everything alright at home?' He hit send again.

' Is your dad alright?' He asked, remembering that their father was still working for the American military.

' Dude... please tell me whats going on. I want to help Jaehwa...'

Yoongi waited but there was still no response. He sighed out of frustration and turned his phone off. Pulling the blanket over him, Yoongi rolled over and curled up into a ball with his hands between his legs. He figured it was a family matter...maybe he'll reply in the morning.

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