Book 3 - Chapter 1

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11 months later

"Pass me the baby wipes" Nala yelled to Herb. He sat Yosohn down on the floor and went to get the wipes. Yosohn began running after Teddy.

Herb tossed Nala the wipes as she changed their two month old daughter Milani. "Milani tell daddy to give mama a break from changing these stinky diapers" Nala cooed tickling Milani tummy.

Milani began laughing sucking on her finger. "Ah ah, get that finger out your mouth" Herb said laughing. He looked at his phone and put on his sneakers. "Where you going" Nala asked.

"To drop Yosohn off to Eva mother house then to visit Eva in the hospital and check on her" he said tying his shoes. Nala frowned "it's been eleven months Herb.... the doctor told you she might not be coming back don't you think it's time" she said before Herb interrupted her.

"Shut that shit up man, I ain't tryna hear that shit" he said catching an attitude. Nala simply shut up picking up Milani and tossing out the dirty diaper. She pulled her phone out to call her cousin Jade who moved out five months ago.

"Hello" Jade answered. "Jade can you watch Milani for me tonight" Nala asked hoping she'd say yes. "For whaaat" Jada whined. Nala sucked her teeth "I have a date with Dave and I canceled four times already, I don't want to cancel again" Nala said frowning.

Herb stood in the doorway putting on Yosohn coat ear hustling. Him and Nala were strictly co parenting. He haven't had sex in over 11 months. Nala wasn't letting him have sex with her because she didn't want to be that girl again.

It made him mad that she denied him sex he respected it. He didn't go out looking to have sex either. Eva been in a coma for 11 months and each day was getting worst for him. Yosohn would cry out for his mother and Herb wouldn't know what to do.


Herb walked in the hospital and immediately Eva doctor ran to him. "We've been calling you for two hours" she squealed with excitement. "Yeah I forgot to pay my bill today" Herb shrugged trying to walk by.

"She's awake" she nodded with excitement. Herb froze and stood speechless. "Sh-she's woke?" The doctor nodded her head yes. Herb fixed his clothes "and?" Dr.Freeman nodded her head "she's a little confused but of course that's normal when you're in a 11 month coma" she explained.

Herb nodded "Aight cool, I can explain everything." Dr.Freeman nodded and stepped back letting Herb walk past. He slowly walked into the hospital room Eva was set up in.

He watched as she laid there on her side watching Law & Order : SVU. "You always loved that show" Herb smiled. Eva jumped and stared for a second before tears fell down her face. "What's going on" she cried lowly.

Herb took a deep breath and walked over to Eva bed pulling the chair close. He sat down and grabbed her hand. "Basically to sum everything up for you, you got into a bad car accident and been in a coma for 11 months... it's my fault. I was trying to check in and see what you was doing and you must've reached for your phone or something because" Herb stopped mid sentence.

"Because what, where's Yosohn" she cried. Herb bit his lip. "He's with your mom." Eva nodded her head "he must've gotten so big" she smiled letting it fade away quickly. "Yeah he's a bad ass... he be smacking Nala in the face" Herb laughed.

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