Book 4 - Chapter 6

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"Herb wake up, your phone keep going off man" Eva growled punching me in the arm. I sucked my teeth and checked my phone, it was two missed calls from Bibby. "Yo wassup" I said walking out of the bedroom checking on Yosohn who was sound asleep in his bed. I left the door cracked open a little. "What happen? Why you crying man" I asked. "Wait I can't hear you, where you at" I asked him again putting on my sneakers and grabbing my car keys. "I'm making my way over there right now" I hung up and ran in my car quickly grabbing my pistol and making sure it was loaded.

I don't know what was going on but he wouldn't stop crying. I did over 100mph speeding to his house. I finally get there and I jump out with my gun ready to shoot whoever for him. When I opened the doors I seen Stacy comforting him as he cried. She had the baby so I put the gun on safety and put it behind me. "What's going on" I asked. "His mama passed away" she said lowly. "Maybe you could talk to him, I know y'all like brothers... I told him to call and talk to you but he couldn't talk. I'm glad you came" she said getting up grabbing Imani and walking off.

Stacy love Brandon, that I know for a fact. She completes him but she and I both know this is something she can't get him through. I lost my mother, I know how this goes. "Aye bruh" I sat beside him patting his back. "How this happen" I asked him. "She just ain't wake up they said" he cried. I sucked my teeth "man, I ain't gon' lie to you like this shit gonna be easy you know it's not, you was there when I went through it. You know exactly how this about to go... I ain't gon' baby you because you ain't baby me. I'ma give you two days to get all these tears out but after that you gotta be a man and continue on ya feet. You hear me" I asked standing up.

He then stood up after me and nodded his head hugging me. Bibby was never a hugger unless it came to the females... "I love you boy, for real" he cried wiping his tears. "Two days man" I said walking out the house. It hurt me to see him hurting but I know he gotta cry that shit out. He gave me two days so I'm giving him the same! That's the only way I see it.

Asia POV

"Girl so he came over and y'all ain't fuck" Kendra asked as we sat in the mall cafeteria waiting for both our brothers to finish up their shopping. "Nah we ain't do shit, Ken. For real, we just friends" I told her knowing she wouldn't know nothing about that. She fuck every nigga she meet, I ain't judging. I'm just saying how could she understand. "Uh uh girl, you crazy. He fine, if you don't get on that I will" she laughed. I ignored it.

My phone started buzzing and Kendra looked down and grabbed it first. "Hello, Asia's phone. Who's speaking" she giggled. "This is Kendra, Asia's best friend" she twirled her hair. "We at the mall on the east side, you gonna come meet up with her" I reached for my phone several times but she kept running away swatting at me. "Okay cool, I'll let her know. We'll be in the cafeteria by the Wendy's if anything" she said. She smiled and handed me back my phone once they hung up.

I looked and seen it was Herb. I pulled my hair back and rubbed my face. "You a mess" I shook my head sitting back down. I didn't wanna tell her I liked him because I knew it wouldn't of made a difference honestly. I was friend zoned, as usual and well she never really get friend zoned.


"Aye wassup with you" Herb walked up on us. I smiled and stood up to hug him as he reached his arms out for me. "I'm fine, you" I asked back. "I'm aight. You ain't shopping? You need money or something" he asked about to reach in his pockets. "No" I stopped him "my little brother is shopping" I laughed. "Like I said, why you not shopping" he asked pulling out a roll of hundreds. He handed it to me and I wouldn't take it so he put it in my purse. "I'm Kendra" Kendra spoke up. He looked her up and down and turned his head back to me. I could see her in the corner of my eyes she was shocked. That never happened to her before. "Aye walk with me over there real quick" he said grabbing my hand.

I quickly grabbed my purse and followed him while he pulled on me. He made sure we was far away from Kendra to talk. "She not yo' friend" he shook his head. "Kendra been my best friend since elementary, Herb" I rolled my eyes. "Man, I'm telling you... I get a vibe from her. I don't know, if you say she yo' friend then cool but I'm telling you she a snake! I'm just trying to look out for my friend" he told me. I smiled "so considerate." He waved me off and then looked and noticed my brother with a group of guys and when I noticed it I sucked my teeth.

"Those the guys right? Hold up" he said walking off. I sighed following behind him hoping he didn't make a show. "Aye Herb wassup man" everyone but my brother said. He nodded "Tre and Aaron how y'all know him" he asked referring to my little brother. I started biting my nails which was always a bad habit of mine when I was getting anxious. "He play ball in my high school" Tre answered. "Yeah, why? He not like us G... respectfully I'm just letting you know. He gotta future for hisself. Don't do him" they stood up for my brother. My worries went away when I seen they want the best for him just like I do. Herb laughed "Nick you got you some good friends" he patted him on the shoulder.

"Y'all continue keeping him out of trouble, that's my task to y'all. Make sure he always good in the streets, ya hear me?" They both nodded. Nick looked at me confused and I laughed. "Aight I gotta get up out of here" he looked over to see Kendra gone. I looked just as confused as him "Nick where Kendra and Kenny go" I asked. He sucked his teeth "man her hoe ass called him tripping talking about she had to go to work" he shook his head "what damn job she got? You take care of her ass" he threw his ball in the air. "Nick watch it" I said referring to his choice of words.

"Can you give us a ride? She was my ride" I pouted. He shook his head "I told you she wasn't a damn friend." Nick jumped up and down "oouuu see, I thought I was the only one thinking that!" When Nick said that it got me to thinking... is she really a snake? Is she really just using me? Probably not, they just being extra. I'm not gonna accuse her of acting weird when I don't see it for myself. This always been Kendra.

I called her and she answered "yeah, wassup?" I laughed "girl why you left me knowing me I don't got my damn car" I asked. She sucked her teeth "you got your man with you. Tell him give you a ride" and she hung up on me. "Ooh I know she ain't just..." I shook my head. I guess they right. I'm just glad Herb being a good enough friend to drop me off.


I stopped going over it y'all so if it's any type errors I'm sorry. I just be tryna get it out for y'all!

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