Book 3 - Chapter 10

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One month later


"You ready" Kyle asked me. I nodded sighing lowly. We were just getting off the plane to head back to our old home.  "You hungry" he asked. I shook my head no as he put the bags into the taxi. "Do anyone know we back" I asked. He shook his head no.

"Nah and I wanna keep it that way! I got shit I'm handling" he said sternly. I nodded my head. I didn't really know what he meant by that but I wasn't going to get into it with him right now. I just wanted to go back home and actually deal with the pain instead of running away from it.


I just finished cleaning the house. It was the same way we left it. Broken window, glass everywhere. Vases shattered. It was just horrific. Kyle said he was going to have someone come fix the window but it's been an hour and no one came yet. Kyle left me to go handle quote on quote business.

I sat on the couch just staring at the walls and I felt water hit my hands. I was crying but didn't realize it. Every time I blinked my eyes I seen the scene over and over again. The way he pulled me down the stairs. The way he... the way he abused me. I shook it out my head as my stomach growled.

I sighed and grabbed my phone and house keys. If he wasn't here yet that mean he wasn't coming. I shrugged it off and decided to walk to the local McDonald's three blocks down since I didn't have the car. Kyle had it. I needed the air and exercise anyway.

After arriving to McDonald's I stepped in line ordering a Big Mac combo. I was waiting for my food. "Aye Jordan where you at? I'm here nigga" a familiar voice spoke. I turned around and couldn't tell the face but I know I heard the voice somewhere. I stared at him with squinted eyes for a moment.

He caught me and stared back like he seen a ghost. "Yo... nigga where you at? Don't come" he said walking out the McDonald's. I thought that was strange but I really wish I knew where I knew his voice from. I couldn't remember.

I heard my number being called so I quickly grabbed my food saying thanks and walked away. As I was walking out of McDonald's stuffing fries in my mouth I seen the same guy with another guy just eyeing me. I gave a fake smile and walked away.


Seeing Kyle girlfriend put fear into my heart honestly. I thought we ran them out of town but we didn't. Dez was going to be mad when me and Calvin tell him this shit. I rubbed my head and paced back and forth. "What you wanna do" Calvin asked me as he shook his head.

I already knew what he was thinking. He wanted to kill them when we had the chance but I was against it because I honestly was never down with killing people. Calvin had beat the poor girl so bad she was bleeding out. I knew at that moment she lost her baby. I was trying to tell him to chill but once he start there's no stopping him.

"Just follow her slowly. Keep following her around. See if she does anything out the ordinary. Try to see what that nigga up to as well! She's definitely going to lead us to him! And when she do just be ready....


"Aye wassup nigga" I cheesed as I gave Kyle a brotherly hug. "Where the fuck you disappear to man?" He laughed as he hugged me back. "Eva here" he asked looking around. I shook my head no "nah she out food shopping." He nodded his head.

"We need to talk man" he sighed. I nodded "hell yeah, you just up and left. I still wanna know who the fuck set you up like that." He stared at me before sucking his teeth. "Some crooked nigga name Dezmond! He been out to get us this whole time. He own some club up on the boarder line street."

I stared at him trying to put it together. Why did that sound familiar. "Ooohhh shit! Eva use to work at that shit! I know who you talking about. How you know?" He sat on the couch "man I been in and out keeping a low profile while I figured this shit out. I'm surprised he didn't make a move on Eva yet. He gotta know she ya girl" he fussed.

I bit my lip "I mean Eva was in a coma when that shit happened with you, so he probably ain't know but damnnn.... so this nigga trying to take over or something" I asked still trying to put the pieces together. Kyle nodded his head "yeah I guess so. I heard he Lamar cousin. He supposedly from Cali or whatever so you know he got the good connects."

"I was thinking we get him before he get us or me and Yolanda again... take over his organization and get his connects!" I rubbed my waves and nodded at the plan. "Yeah I'm down" I said slapping his hand. He nodded "Aight cool, my man! I appreciate this Herb." I nodded my head "no doubt, you family!"

Eva walked inside the house "help me with these damn bags— OH MY GOSH" she screamed as she dropped the bags and ran to Kyle. "When you get back?!" Kyle laughed as Eva squeezed him in a tight hug. "I got back today, dang I can't breathe" he complained. She mushed him "I should beat your ass for just up and fucking leaving mama like that! Where the hell my sister in law" she asked.

I let them catch up as I went to retrieve the bags. When I looked out the door I saw a black car slowly passing. "What the fuck..." I thought to myself. The car stopped and rolled down the window. I backed up a bit grabbing the door. "Aye do you know where 1560 is" the white guy yelled out. "Nahhh" I yelled back.

He quickly put his window back up and drove off. For a second I thought it was the niggas Kyle was talking about. We definitely need to handle that ASAP!


I know it's short but I wanted to get a chapter out so the next chapter will be longer.

Also "Call Me Ryda" is temporarily canceled because I just want to go back and edit that book. That was the first book I ever worked on but I published it last because I want that book to be perfect but I feel like I'm all over the place so I'm going to go in and fix it up so maybe next month I'll have the whole first book finished.

Alsoooooo, I'm not sure if I'm doing a book 4 honestly. I know I said I want to but I don't want to drag the storyline. I have another book I'm working on as well so we'll see. I just have so many different ideas for y'all and don't worry. Everything will always get an update!

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