Book 3 - Chapter 11

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"Damn Yolanda, I'm so sorry to hear that shit! I wish there was something I could do" i sighed as she told me everything. Kyle dropped her off here because he didn't want her home alone while him and Herb caught up on business.

I'm not stupid though, I know what they really going to do. Yolanda ass might be clueless but I'm not. "Yeah well it's nothing you can do honestly" she shrugged as she held on to Milani. It was Herb time with Milani so he asked if he could bring her here instead of staying at Nala House.

Of course I said yeah. I mean she took my son in with open arms and treated her as her own. I had to build a bridge and get over the fact he had another baby now. I had to get over the fact I'm no longer the only person who has a child with him. It doesn't help that Milani is the spitting fucking image of him but shit, I love her like she's my own and I'll go to war for her like she mine as well.

This beautiful little girl has nothing to do with anything. Hell she didn't ask to be brought into the middle of what happened. I let Yolanda coo over Milani the whole time. It seemed she needed it. My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller I.D and rolled my eyes. "Hello Dezmond?"

He laughed in the phone "girl where you been? You don't miss kicking it with your best friend" he joked but sounding serious. I sucked my teeth "man bye, you is not my best friend" I said as I stood up from the couch and walked to the backyard. "Oh it's like that now?"

I shook my head because I hated talking to him. It was always an odd feeling I got but for some reason I couldn't help but answer. I know I wasn't going to cheat on Herb with him, but answering phone calls wouldn't hurt right? "What you calling me for" I asked giving the impression I have an attitude.

"Ahh shit, I done started you up. Nah I just wanted to hear from you... it's been a while." I bit my lip and nodded like he could see me "Yeah it have been a while...." I heard him let out a light chuckle "let me take you out for breakfast tomorrow" he asked.

I scrunched up my face. "Hell nah, last time I let you take me out. Ole girl pulled up and made a big ass scene! I ain't with all that" I informed. He started laughing. He was always laughing like as if something was funny. "I'm picking you up at 8 tomorrow morning" he said hanging up the phone.

My mouth gapped. Oh he better not, that's the last thing I need is for Herb to get the wrong fucking impression and go crazy. I do not need none of this drama, I matured and I'm focusing on the good and better things in life now. "EVA" Yolanda yelled out catching me out my thoughts.

I ran to her thinking something was wrong but it was just Yosohn saying "love you." My heart stopped and I took out my phone to record "say it again for mama" I cooed as the tears came down. "Love you" he said laughing all giggly. My baby finally was saying more words. Usually all he said was "you, mama, dada, food and yum."

I stopped recording and ran to him kissing him all over his face. I sent the video to Herb while carrying Yosohn to his bathroom. He was looking filthy so I decided to give him a bath. "You think things will go back to normal" Yolanda asked startling me.

I bit my lip hesitating on telling her what Herb and Kyle were up to. I decided against it. I nodded "Girl everything going to be fine!" She walked out with Milani sound asleep in her arms. I shook my head as I continued to wash up my son. I hated lying to her but I knew I couldn't tell her the truth.

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