Book 4 - Chapter 3

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(Two weeks later)

Things were just starting to go back to normal. Nala came around more often. Eva was letting me stay the night at her place to be with Yosohn more. "You met up with Twizzy yet?" Bibby asked. "Nah who that" I asked confused. He sucked his teeth "he one of the errand boys. He do the pick ups and deliveries. I told you go meet up with him yesterday" he ranted. I rubbed my face "shit I forgot, I was caught up with the kids." Bibby sat down at his desk. "Look, I know you wanna be back in the game but if your mind not gonna be in the game then I don't think it's best you come back in it. Shit is hectic, we got competition. Niggas is going out left and right. Worry about you and your kids relationship first, your spot ain't never gonna be taken nigga" he explained.

I shook my head, as good as that sounded I wasn't trying to hear that. I needed to be in the game. It's shit I gotta handle, people I need to go after. "Bibby, I love you for real. Like my real brother man but you tripping. I need this shit right now, I'm good, Aight?!" Bibby looked at me taking a deep breath and rubbing his face. "Aight well we got a shipment coming in tonight. The connect is delivering it personally. He's meeting us here and 12 midnight. I got something else to do, I was gonna have Julio take care of it but since you claim to be good then I'm trusting you. This is our biggest shipment, do not fuck this up" he said getting up walking away.

I nodded my head. I already knew about this. The connect is the father of Miguel.... the man who came to the hospital the day I was on my deathbed. He gave me an ultimatum. Either he was going kill my family or for me to just up and disappear. That's the reason I disappeared. I didn't want to but for my family safety I'd do anything, even if that mean making them believe I was dead. Me and Miguel ended up meeting again a few months ago, let's just say things got out of hand and the new connect had to bury his son before they could bury him.

No one knew it was me except for Miguel's cousin Ricardo. Ricardo wanted to set up his uncle in exchange for his silence. I told him I could make that happen and that's when he told me about this meeting with my old partner.... I heard a banging on the door drifting me out my thoughts. "Earth to you" a feminine voice spoke behind me. "My fault, I was thinking about something" I said clearing my throat. "It's cool, I'm Asia. Boss told me to come in here and go over the numbers with you. You ready" she asked. I nodded my head. She was real cute and short, beautiful frame on her body. Nice chocolate skin and the baby face to match. She wore her natural hair and bare face, only thing she had on her face was eyelashes and lipgloss.

"I'm Herb... aye how old are you?" She laughed "I don't know how many times a day I get that question through here. I'm 22." I smirked "oh you a baby still." She laughed opening the notebook handing it to me. "This the profits and this is what was handed out." I scrunched up my face "this shit don't make no sense, how the fuck—" she nodded her head. "It's been like that for two months now. Every day. I tried telling Bibby but he just wave it off" she explained.

"Nah the books ain't Bibby thing, that's mine. He'd go fucking bankrupt if he ain't have someone to balance this shit out" I told her skimming through all of her notes. "You real good at this shit" I told her. "Thanks, I went to school for accounting. So it's kind of my thing." I looked up at her staring me down. "You said your name, China— no Asia" I laughed. "Ha. Ha. Ha, very funny but yeah, Asia."

"Well ima keep this, and we gonna talk tomorrow on our date" I shrugged. "Excuse me? I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but I have a boyfriend." My eyes grew wide "damn, you deadass? I thought— aight my fault. I respect it" I stuffed my hand in my sweater pockets. She laughed "I'm just kidding. Let's go to hibachis tomorrow" she smiled walking out the door." My phone started ringing and Eva name appeared. "Hello" I answered. "You can take Yosohn tomorrow if you'd like. I'm trusting you to have my son by yourself. Please don't make me regret it." Me being overly ecstatic I said "I got you. I swear" forgetting my date with Asia.

"Alright, see you then. Be safe. I lov— alright bye" she said hanging up stopping herself from saying what she really wanted to say. I let it go not wanting to force it. It is what it is, if I got Eva back then I'd drop everyone for her but if I didn't then I didn't and I wouldn't make a big issue on it. I done enough damage and shit... I'm about to do some more.

Hours later

I awaited in the office all day for the meeting and going over how this set up was supposed to happen when Bibby walked through the door damn near defeated. "NIGGA YOU KILLED HIS SON" he yelled in a silent tone slamming the door. "How'd— how'd you know that" I asked standing up confused. He showed me the video on his phone. "You wasn't gon' tell me? Nigga you really moving like you not my mans. I could've been apart of your plan but you keeping me out still" he shook his head. I sighed "so now what?" Bibby sucked his teeth "this mean war... we can't do business with him no more and sooner or later they gonna come and try to kill you. So we gonna have a meeting and we just going to have to be on our p's and q's.

I nodded "aight. My fault for being sneaky... I'm gonna keep it a hunnit' with you from now on. We family? Fo'sho." Bibby dapped me up as I walked out the office. I can't believe this shit man.


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