House fire

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So been a while for this event and I must say it will be a Firestarter cause of everyone getting a major burn they'll be ablaze for years start it.

Reader's POV  

I see the whole house on fire where I drive out with Emma and Kary in the back laughing and siphoning all the money from every rich kid and went to pick up Emi and she help us a bit to by calling the extra cops to be distracted.

1 hour earlier  

We were at the warehouse gathering all of essentials while I dropped Emi off at her friends place and told Kary of the nearest cell tower and she went there while Emma left on her own. And I informed the other two girls and gave what they needed which were fire grenades with a modified gas that puts people to sleep and  with signal transmitters and stun gun's and made them have gas masks parts that reaches their nose. While I waited in the shadows waiting.

Once the party started all you see are people drinking, doing drugs, having sex. There all idiots people who all deserve to be dead. The man of the hour came wearing a suit and a entourage of females close to him and when he went inside I called Emma to start something and she caused a major car crash on the freeway and they couldn't do anything to get across and from there Kary positioned at a cell tower released a virus into the network shutting down all access and I saw cops driving my way and thought this plan was gone but instead drove past me heading downtown I was wondering what the hell happened.

Emi's POV  

"Hello? I'd like to report a crime that's happening right now some people are trying to break into a house down on Torrance street and I don't know what else what their going to go at all?"

Emi hanged up and walked back with her friends room and continued to put flowers all over her friends brother until he looked like a flower made up of other ones and he walked downstairs to hear his mother and father laugh and smile from how we acted while Rika just hugged him and he hugged back before falling over from exhaustion and his father went to put him in his bed and we just stayed there eating some chips and sandwiches her mother made.

Back to your POV  

I managed to knock all the lights out with my phone and traveled to the back of the house in the dark with my hatchet and told the 2 girls to drop the fire canisters in ventilation ducts so it would spread to all of the house. I go to electrical box and pry it open and rip the cables apart and hear the power go out and slight screams and make my way inside and equip my mask seeing someone in front of me I tap their shoulder and when they turn I drive my hatchet into their throat watching her gurgling on her own blood and retract my hatchet watching as smoke goes through the vents and applied my SHD mask and heard everyone coughing and continued to walk through the the house murdering all the kids.

Let's skip since you probably already know and I really don't want to type something that everybody knows from their mind he just slits some throats and decapitate a head with a string and sets the whole house on fire 


The whole event was fun mainly for me since I saw there faces as their last act and cowered. I went to my room to find Emma naked and giggling giving me a view of her body that seemed to gleam in the moon and thought I'm going to have fun night for me and I think I might be in heaven.

Couldn't really think for this ending it's to hot here like 109 degrees I want to die also to anyone who plays warframe are they excited for all the new stuff coming out cause I am and the sacrifice quest was amazing.

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