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Jungkook searches for Yoongi, twisting his head left and right and running around frantically.

It can't be his best friend Yoongi.

Seonsaengnim is still yelling something, but Jungkook takes no notice. The only thing on his mind is Yoongi.

"Jungkook?" a voice says behind him. Jungkook recognises the voice immediately.

"Yoongi!" Tears are filling up in Jungkook's eyes. He never thought he would ever see Yoongi again. He spots Yoongi waving at him cheerfully and sprints to him. Yoongi wraps his arms around Jungkook in a tight embrace.

"I never thought I'd see you again," Jungkook mumbles in Yoongi's shoulder.

"Well I'm here now!" he chuckles, patting Jungkook's head like a puppy, "and who is that hot guy over there?" he points to a adorable but attractive blond guy standing a few meters away from them.

"Yoongi! Are you serious? You care about that guy more than me?" Jungkook says, and Yoongi gives him a 'tell me or you'll regret it' look. "His name's Jimin," he groans.

"What's he like?" Yoongi asks, not once taking his eyes off him.

Jungkook rolls his eyes and says, "Why don't you find out for yourself?"

"Anyone you fancy?"

Jungkook panics. Should he tell Yoongi about Taehyung? He pushes that thought away. He doesn't like Taehyung anymore, especially because he almost killed him yesterday.

" Anyway, shouldn't we be panicking? We're fucking going to war! You know, the thing where people actually die?" Jungkook grabs Yoongi's collar and shakes him playfully.

Yoongi laughs, "Don't worry, I'll always be by your side... and Jimin's."

"Shut up about your Jimin! He doesn't even know you exist yet!" he grumbles, punching Yoongi's arm lightly.

Yoongi bites his lip, "Would you mind if I talked to him for a bit?"


He skips off towards Jimin, a big grin plastered across his face.

Jungkook sighs and looks around for someone to talk to. Chaeyoung is walking towards him.

She pecks his cheek, making Jungkook flinch, and giggles girlishly,

"Isn't it funny that we're going to war tomorrow?"

Tomorrow? What? No!

"Then you can kill that idiot who strangled you," she continues, dragging a finger down his chest. Jungkook doesn't like the attention anymore. From Chaeyoung, at least. Instead, he finds her annoying and tarty, with her extremely revealing top.

Why, why, why, he thought, did I let Chaeyoung sleep in my and Taehyung's tent?

Even though it wasn't entirely his fault, he should take some responsibility for the whole Taehyung situation. He'll meet Taehyung at lunch, and then he can apologise and get some answers.

Chaeyoung nudges him, "Can I sleep in your tent again tonight? We could finish what we started."

Jungkook starts getting flustered. How should he decline politely?

Fortunately, the lunch bell rings and he says a quick 'bye' to Chaeyoung before rushing to the canteen.

Already there is a nervous looking Taehyung, almost his whole head wrapped in bandages. He avoids eye contact with Jungkook, staring at the floor doggedly.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook says, but he accidentally says it in an intimidating manner.

"Oh... hi," he murmurs, still determinedly having a staring contest with the floor.

"I need answers. Please explain yourself," he asks simply, crossing his arms.

Taehyung gulps and mumbles, "I don't really know. I guess I got angry because you let Chaeyoung sleep in our tent."

"So that's why you almost killed me? Answer me properly Taehyung."

"I don't know," he utters.

"You don't know?" Jungkook's tone is rising. He's getting angry with Taehyung's insufficient explanation.

Taehyung stays silent, wishing that Jungkook and everything will disappear. Like a dream. It was a dream that he got chosen in the voting. It was a dream that he met Jungkook. It was a dream that he started having feelings towards him. It was a dream that he strangled him, due from pure jealousy and anger. It is a dream that he's having this conversation (or interrogation) with him.

Jungkook finally loses it. He smashes his fist on the table and roars, "Answer me!" Heads turn around and stare at him.

"Because," Taehyung yells back. All eyes in the room are on the pair.

"Because?" he spits, glaring at the other. He is ready to punch.

"Because I like you!" Taehyung shouts, and breaks down into tears. The whole room, including Jungkook, goes silent. 

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