
368 11 2

Warning: This chapter contains violence and blood.

The guards roughly shove the pair into a pit of nothingness and march out, slamming the door behind them

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The guards roughly shove the pair into a pit of nothingness and march out, slamming the door behind them. A locking sound is heard.

The only source of light barely illuminating the room is a mere candle standing in the corner. The floor is made of jagged, uneven bits of rock and the size of the claustrophobic room is probably smaller than a shed.

"J-Jungkook?" Taehyung snivels, finding Jungkook's hand with his own, "I can't believe this is happening."

His hair looks like a thorn bush and his face is smeared with a mix of mud, sweat and tears.

Because of Jungkook's silence, he continues, "I'm sorry you had to go through this because of me."

The door bursts open and Admiral Song stands there with a slight evil smile,

"You enjoying your punishment, lovebirds? It's breakfast time!" He lifts up what looks like two bowls of soup and lays them down in front of Jungkook and Taehyung. He looks at them expectantly.

When none of them eat, he frowns,

"Why aren't you eating? Aren't you hungry?"

"What's in it?" Taehyung mumbles, grimacing at the lumpy frog-coloured swamp of a soup.

The admiral smiles evilly, "That shouldn't matter. Eat! That's an order!"

Jungkook, being the bravest of the two, lifts the bowl to his lips slowly. He ignores Taehyung's murmurs of protest and takes a big gulp of the sickly liquid.

The soup, strangely, doesn't taste that bad. Instead it sends pleasant sparks running down Jungkook's tongue. He thinks it's a completely normal soup... until he hears Taehyung yell,


Then he knows that he is most definitely not fine. His eyes roll back into his head and he falls. Everything goes black.

He wakes up in a completely white room. Too white. The brightness of the room almost burns his eyeballs. He squints to see what else is in the room with him.

Taehyung. He is tied to a chair on the other side of the room, his yells muffled by a piece of fabric covering his mouth.

Jungkook looks down to see himself tied up as well. However he is tied to a pole, the metal digging into his back.

The admiral enters the blinding room, whip in hand, and he glares at Taehyung.

"Time for your real punishment: watch your boyfriend suffer," he growls, spinning the whip like a lasso. He stomps up to Jungkook and smirks at him.

Without warning the admiral raises the whip and flings it forwards. It hits Jungkook on his shoulder, and Taehyung winces at the sound of the cold leather creating a raw, red gash on it.

Jungkook groans at the pain.

The admiral doesn't let Jungkook get used to the pain. He whips Jungkook harder, this time on his stomach, resulting in an anguished gasp from him.

Taehyung's eyes widen and he violently tries to escape from his chair, yelling.

After half an hour of distressed yells, groans and cries, Jungkook is covered in uneven red lines, some even have blood oozing out out of them. His vision is going fuzzy and he is trying his best not to yell out. Will he faint? He feels like it's better if he does. He won't have to go through that excruciating pain, he won't have to see Taehyung squirm in his seat, tears pouring out of his eyes as he screams.

With one final hit across his cheek, Jungkook lets out the scream he has been stifling for the past half an hour.

His scream makes Taehyung's heart drop further, his violent squirming almost breaking the chair legs.

The admiral cackles as he drags his finger across Jungkook's bloody slashes, making Jungkook wail. Admiral Song sniggers,

"I think that's enough for today," he turns to Taehyung, "Did you like that?" He unties Jungkook and he drops to the floor, breathing heavily, gasping when he sees drops of his own blood scattered across the floor.

The admiral leaves, untying Taehyung on his way out, and locks the door behind him.

As soon as he's untied, Taehyung gallops to Jungkook, almost slipping in his own tears.

Jungkook lifts his head slightly and smiles to see Taehyung in front of him. Taehyung just breaks down more as he gently rests his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

 Taehyung just breaks down more as he gently rests his hand on Jungkook's shoulder

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I'm not gonna even say anything about Idol. Just stream ittttt!

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