Chapter 13

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Today was the day. You were dressed up and ready to go. Everyone supported you and congratulated you. All of them even thought you looked great. "You go get em!" Natasha said with a smile. You couldn't help but laugh at her statement. She was a lot more excited about this homecoming than you were. 

"Send me some pictures, (L/n)." Steve had playfully threatened. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. 

"Of course I will, Steve." You replied. You felt a hand land on your shoulder and you turned to see Tony. 

"If he hurts you-"

"Don't even start Tony." You warned him. He raised his hands and backed up from you. "Anyway, I got to get going. I don't want to keep him waiting." You said heading towards the elevator. 

"Bye! Good luck and have fun!" Wanda and Natasha exclaimed happily as they waved you goodbye. 

"Bye!" You exclaimed before teleporting to the usual ally way. You walked over to Peters house with a smile and a small skip to your step. All you could feel was pure joy and excitement though you were a little nervous. You made way up the steps that lead to his house and knocked on the door. Peter immediately opened the door and his jaw practically dropped when he saw you. 

"Oh my... (Y/n)... You absolutely beautiful." he said breathlessly. You blushed and smiled and giggled. You draped your arms over his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around your waist. 

"And you look incredibly handsome as always" you replied back and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His cheeks turned pure red and he couldn't help but smile. "Have I mentioned that your also extremely adorable?" You asked. He just blushed even more and let out a chuckle. 

"Maybe once or twice." he replied chuckling. Aunt may let out small but quick claps of joy before pulling out her camera. 

"I want pictures!" she exclaimed happily. You couldn't help but laugh and you accepted on taking pictures. The first picture you took was the two of you standing together. The second one, you had your arms around his neck and his arms around your waist and you rested your head against his chest. The last one I was taken on your phone. Peter was hugging you from behind and rested his head on your shoulder. You loved that picture the most and it made your heart flutter each time you saw it. 


The two of you got to the school for homecoming and you were so giddy. You glanced at Peter but he seemed to have paled and froze in his spot. Your eyes narrowed and you grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently. "Peter... You alright?" You asked softly. He seemed to have snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you before nodding. 

"Y-yeah. Lets go." he said taking your hand in his and leading you inside. You decided to let it go and head in with him to have some fun. You and Peter found Ned with a girl you haven't seen before. 

"Hey Ned! Who's this girl?" You asked looking at her and her bored expression. 

"I'm Michelle. Cool to meet you, I guess." she replied crossing her arms. 

"Im (Y/n). It's good to meet you too." You replied with a smile. You were going to continue the conversation until Peter grabbed your hand capturing your attention. You turned to him and he looked concerned yet you also noticed that he was sweating a bit. 

"Can I talk to you privately real quick?" he said and glanced at Ned and Michelle. You nodded and gently caressed his hand with your thumb to try and calm him down. He gave a small smile but pulled you to the bleachers where no one else was. 

"Peter what's wrong? You've been on edge all day... I'm worried about you..." You spoke softly as you took both his hands now. 

"I've been following this man that has been selling illegal weapons... Turns out that Liz's father just so happens to be that person and I can't stand here knowing he's up to no good." he spilled to you. Your eyes saddened and so did his. You placed a hand on his cheek. 

"Peter... I will understand if you leave. But PROMISE me you will be careful..." You said as you caressed his cheek. His gaze went down to his feet though his hand landed on yours. 

"I will..." he muttered softly. He was about to leave but you grabbed his wrist to stop him. He turned to look at you confused. You pulled him to you and pulled him into a kiss. He tensed up but relaxed and kissed you back. 

"I'm serious Parker... Be careful..." You told him and let him go. He nodded and ran off into a hallway. You waited a few seconds before doing the same and snapping your fingers to change. You followed him out the door and as soon as he got out the door, he was punched by someone to the left. You caught Peter with your telekinesis and held up a small shield like thing (but blue) in front of you which stopped the attack, but didn't stop you from skidding back a bit. 

"Azul?!" peter exclaimed with shock as he got up. "How are you here?" he asked as he webbed the weapon after you knocked it out of his hand with a kick. 

"Didn't you listen last time? My job is to check if your mission is going okay and making sure you don't get killed." You replied having a hand to hand combat with the man and making those shields appear hurting his fist. You eventually threw him over your shoulder and Peter webbed him. 

"Look... Azul I'm glad your supporting me but I can handle this on my own." he replied as he approached you. 

"Judging by how that guy hit you before you even took three steps out that door tells me other wise. As I've said. I need to train you on your reflexes. They may be decent now... But they need to be better." You told him as you made a portal to the prison for the guy to fall through. 

"You sound like Mr.Stark..."

"Don't you ever compare me to that prick ever again..." You snapped. He fell silent after that. You let out a sigh and went up to him and took off his mask. "Maybe if I reveal myself to you. You'd understand why I'm so damn protective of you." This captured his attention. 

"Do I know you in person?" he asked. Not even phased that I took off his mask.

"Yeah. And I'm a lot closer than you thought,  Peter." You said before taking off your hood. Peters eyes went wide and his face turned pure red. 

"wh-what? (Y-y/n)! Your... Azul?" he asked in disbelief. 



Strength: 3.5

Smarts: 9.3

Agility: 5

Magic use: 9

Weapon use: 3

Peter Parker:

Strength: 6.7

Smarts: 7.8

Agility: 7.9

Magic use: 0

Weapon use: 5.9

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