Getting Lucy

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The lady pick her and put her on Sebastian lap and said sign these papers and then Lucy will be officially yours. Lucy got off of Seb lap and went to the lady and said scared. Then me and seb felt bad so we walked to her and said we won't hurt you Seb said she grabbed Oilver hand and let him pick her up the lady said ok umm Lucy is now Lucy Moy the lady said we walked out of the place and got in the car and put Lucy in a car seat and seb sat in the back with her. And all she did was look out window. Seb texted Oliver and said look at Lucy. Oilver received a text and look at Lucy and said Lucy are you hungry? She said nothing. We drove to McDonald's and got a happy meal for her and we got a milkshake Sebastian gave it to her and she didn't touch it. Sebastian texted Oilver and said bro do you think she ever eat? Oilver received the text and look at her and texted Seb back and said try to feed it to her. Ok Seb texted me back. he opens the happy meal and she said I can't eat today I only eat on Sundays. Seb said why princess. And then she said my dad told me that after he touched me. And Oilver was driving and said you can sweetie it's ok. Then she yelled and said I IS NOT ALLOWED then she cried until we got home

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