~Sebastian POV~
We walked back to the living room and Mateo was awfully quiet. Oliver, do think that Mateo is awfully quiet? Yeah he is, that's weird he said. Yo Mateo, you ok Oliver said. Yes, I'm fine he said. ~20 minutes later~ Mateo was still oh so quiet. Lucy was talking to Oliver. Hey let's go the park I said. Ok Oliver said. We put on our shoes and I said Oliver come with me upstairs please. Ok ba-bro. We walked into Oliver room me knowing Oliver HATES walking so I pushed him on the bed. Sebastian what are you doing he asked clueless. I didn't answer and I sat on his lap and kiss him passionately and I touch his part making him gasp and put my tongue in his mouth he moaned. So he pulled my shirt a sign that he wants to take it off so I moved he's hands making us hold hands I pulled away and he pouted and I said there are two kids downstairs baby boy. Okay he said. He tried to get up but I stopped him hey, I have a question can we walk to park please papi. So you did all that just to ask me that he said while laughing of course baby boy. Yay I said I got off of him and we walked back downstairs and Lucy and Mateo were playing together and I pushed Oliver back and told him to look at Lucy and Mateo. Aww he said. So we walked in and I said ready to go the park. Yes daddy Lucy said. Yes big bro Mateo said. Lucy ran to me and Mateo ran to Oliver we pick them up and we walked out the door and head to park. ~4 minutes later~ and we put then down so they can play and me Oliver are talking.
Oli: you know I'm gonna have to go back to work soon right.
Seb: *sighs* yes.
Oli: hey don't be like that, how else are the bills gonna pay.
Seb: idk
Oli: exactly.
They continue talking
Lucy and Mateo is coming towards us but Lucy is crying and Mateo was trying to help her walk so we run towards them and Oliver pick Lucy up and held Mateo's hand and we walked back to the bench that we were sitting on and we put the two toddlers on the bench and I ask what wrong princess. She pointed to her leg and we look and and we seen a needle and her leg was swelling up. Sebastian call a Uber to the house Oliver said. We wait about 2 minutes for the Uber. *Time Skip to the house to the bathroom*. Mateo was watching TV and me and Oliver was in the bathroom to take the needle out of her leg but Lucy keep crying. No stop it hurts daddy please she said and broke our heart to see our daughter in pain Oliver was trying to take the needle out but she kept stopping him and I was holding her hand. Daddy stop it hurts she said. Princess I have to take it out or else it going to hurt you more ok. O*sniff*k so Oliver pulled it out real fast and she said owww daddy that hurted. I'm sorry baby girl but now you won't be in pain anymore. Sebastian pass me a band aid please Oliver said. Ok I said. We walked back to the living room and it's Lucy bed time. Ok Lucy it's time to go to bed now I say. And Mateo you too Oliver said. Ok daddy/big bro. So we take Lucy upstairs to her room and Mateo to my room. Me and Oliver go in his room. We talked about Lucy and what school she will be going to. 40 minutes later the door bell rings and me and Oliver was sleep in his room so I said I will go get Mateo and bring him to mom. Ok baby boy Oliver said. I got Mateo and went downstairs to bring him to our mom. Hey Mom I said tirely. Hey baby she said as i give her Mateo thanks again for watching him. No problem ma we will do it any time. Ok bye sweetie good night. Good night to you too Mom.I just noticed that Lucy cries so freaking much. She is a cry baby lol😂😂😂

Adopted by the Moy Brothers
General FictionThis story is about Sebastian and Oliver adopting a kid and her name is Lucy Lucy story: She was abused by parents and her father raped her and every sense than she was scared of men so she decided to run away to the orphanage and read to find out m...