Oliver POV I have been gone for 4 days now and I miss my baby girl so much call Lucy every night but I want to hold princess. Sebastian POV Lucy has been asking about Oliver like when is he coming back and she misses him and did he leave us forever. I ask him every time he call we he coming back he said I don't know yet but soon I can tell that he wants to come home but he's scared and Jesse has been coming over since that night I broke down he has been keeping us company and stuff like that.
Oliver Moy is calling... I answer the phone and here how the CONVO went
Oli:hey Seb
Seb:hey Oliver
Oli:I miss you bro
Seb: I miss you too the night you left I broke down but Jesse was there for me
Oli:oh wow why didn't you tell me
Seb: because I kept telling myself that you would come back when you want and didn't want to worry you
Oli:ok were is my princess
Seb:she is down stairs eating with Jesse
Oli:ok can you call me when she finished
Seb: yeah sure
End of call
I went down stairs and I noticed that Lucy did not touch her food. What wrong babygirl I said I miss daddy she says daddy gonna come back baby I say she said ok. Lucy why aren't you eating I ask her she said I don't want too eat daddy. Baby you have to eat I say she said no daddy. Getting down from the chair and went to the living room when she left I called Oliver back and gave the phone to Lucy so Oli and Lucy can talk and I went upstairs and completely broke down and Jesse was in the living room with Lucy once Lucy Oliver got done talking on the phone she gave Jesse the phone to give to me so Jesse went up to give me my phone back and saw me crying he ask me what was wrong I said Lucy she stopped eating again. Oh wow im call Oliver and tell him he needs to come home now. Jesse POV walked in to Sebastian room to give him back his phone and I saw him crying on the floor I asked what was wrong he said Lucy said eating again I told him that I was going to call Oliver and tell him that he needs to come home now. Oliver POV
Jesse Underhill is calling...
Jesse:yo you need to come home now
Jesse: because Lucy stopped eating again and Seb broke down again
Oli:ok I'm packing my stuff now
End of call
Jesse told me to come home be Lucy stopped eating again that honestly broke my heart and Sebastian broke down again so I'm on my way home now. Also Jesse left.
~20 minutes later~
Sebastian POV me and Lucy was just chilling in the living room until we hear the door open and I heard Lucy yell daddy she ran to Oliver and gave him a hug and a kiss and she said I miss you daddy and he said I miss you to baby girl and he put her down and she went back to couch with now Oliver told me to come here I did as told I followed him in the den and he kissed me passionately and I did the same and we broke apart from the kiss and we look at each other and said I missed you so much at the same time

Adopted by the Moy Brothers
General FictionThis story is about Sebastian and Oliver adopting a kid and her name is Lucy Lucy story: She was abused by parents and her father raped her and every sense than she was scared of men so she decided to run away to the orphanage and read to find out m...