Lucy POV my mom was a alcoholic and drug addict and so was my father one night he came in my room and beat me and touch me in a no no area and raped me and my mom just watched laughing and (she was two when this happened) once they left I went to bed and woke up early to escape then I end up in a orphanage and I was there for 1 year until this happened (she meant like when the adopted her) Oilver POV I sat there in shock and seb did the same thing and Sebastian walk over to her and grab her hand and she flinched and Sebastian said we will not hurt you or let anyone hurt either once Sebastian said that and she kissed him on the cheek and ok.

Adopted by the Moy Brothers
Narrativa generaleThis story is about Sebastian and Oliver adopting a kid and her name is Lucy Lucy story: She was abused by parents and her father raped her and every sense than she was scared of men so she decided to run away to the orphanage and read to find out m...