Sebastian POV We were talking to Lucy and we heard the doorbell ring. Me and Oliver both look so at each other and we both said you get. No you get. How about we all get Lucy said. We all get up and go to the door. We get open the door and said we all started to say Jesse but quickly stopped when we realized it wasn't him and Lucy started to cry and got behind Oliver and cried more and harder. It was her birth parents not just the dad or the mom. BOTH.
GIVE US THE CHILD The mom yelled at us. NO YOU GUYS HAVE NO DAMN CUSTODY OVER OUR CHILD!! Oliver yelled. I whispered in Oliver ear and said go upstairs and call the police this will not continue and take Lucy. Ok he said. He went up stairs with Lucy. HEY WHERE THE HELL Y'ALL TAKING OUR DAUGHTER!! They yelled at me. UM... CORRECTION MY CHILD AND OLIVER'S CHILD NOT YOURS BECAUSE WE HAVE SIGNED DOCUMENTS THAT PROVES SHE IS OUR CHILD. ~Time skip to when the police came~
Oliver Lucy come here they have to ask us questions I yelled from downstairs. While those people where in the backseat of the police car the police said they had to ask us questions. The following questions were asked.1.When did you get Lucy
2.When did this start
3. Do you want to press charges
4. Do you want a restraining order
5. Is Lucy mentally stable
6. Has Lucy been abused1. July 9th 2018
2. July 18th 2018
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
6. YesOk thank you for your time and service. Your welcome and thank you.
I'm sorry that I haven't been updating but I have been really busy and I have writers block.

Adopted by the Moy Brothers
General FictionThis story is about Sebastian and Oliver adopting a kid and her name is Lucy Lucy story: She was abused by parents and her father raped her and every sense than she was scared of men so she decided to run away to the orphanage and read to find out m...