Sebastian POV I can't believe that he actually left us but I can't be selfish so I let him go I was going to let him come back when ever he wants so I invited Jesse over. CONVO
Seb:do you wanna come over and have a movie marathon with us
Jess:sure I'm not doing anything anyway I'll be there in 20 minutes
Seb: alright bye
~20 minutes later~
Jesse came over I got the snacks and stuff and him and Lucy were playing in the living room then he came into the kitchen and ask me where was Oliver. Jesse POV walked into the kitchen and I ask were is Oli cause I noticed he was on the living room with us and he said oh Oli left for a couple days I said ok then I went back in the living room and waited for Sebastian to finish Sebastian POV I wanted to tell Jesse the real reason why Oliver left but I don't know if he wants me to. So the movies began now but first Lucy wanted her teddy bear and her blanket so now the movies will begin but Jesse phone went off he silence his phone now the will movies begin but then my phone went off and I silence my phone then I said if there are any other distractions please do so now me and Jesse had to use the bathroom so we used the bathroom and the movies began and we are going to watch a total of 14 movies. ~4 hours later~ Lucy fell asleep on me I was lying down and I noticed that Lucy had got on me and fell asleep on my chest so I go to I put her in her bed and give her a kiss on her forehead and then I remembered me and Oliver do that at the same time I started to cry at they fact how much I missed him then I guess Jesse notice that I was taking to long so he went to check on me in Lucy room and saw me crying on the floor so he ran to me and ask me what's wrong sebastian I miss him so much Jesse I can't do this him I said in a defeated and sad voice it's going to be ok I'll come over everyday until he comes home he said in a supportive voice so went downstairs so to finish the marathon and we both fell asleep on the couch

Adopted by the Moy Brothers
General FictionThis story is about Sebastian and Oliver adopting a kid and her name is Lucy Lucy story: She was abused by parents and her father raped her and every sense than she was scared of men so she decided to run away to the orphanage and read to find out m...