Jesse underhill

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A/N idk why put cliffhanger at the last chapter.
Sebastian POV We had left Lucy in the corner for 10 minutes then we let her out cause she had to take a nap so we put her down for a nap and then we went to the living room Oliver was on the phone with Jesse Oliver POV i was on the phone with Jesse and I ask Sebastian if Jesse could come over he said sure he did not know that we had daughter so he was in shock.
                 ~2 hours later~
We were eating and heard knocking at the door Sebastian went to answer it and they bro hugged and then he walked to me and bro hugged me and then he said are y'all babysitting we said no at the same time he had laughed Jesse POV I greeted them and I ask are y'all babysitting they said no at the same time I laughed at them and said who this then I walked to her and pinched her nose and she flinched and started crying and I said well she doesn't like me. Seb told Oliver to get the papers and Oli went to get them and Seb pick up the toddler and calm her down Oliver came back with the papers and Seb put her down and told her to go play she left and we all went to the living room and Oliver said we adopted her I said are you serious Seb said I couldn't be more serious I said why did she cry when I touch her nose Oliver said she is scared of men I said y'all are boys the Oliver gave me the papers and said read I read the paper I almost started to cry cause this happened to me I was raped when I younger Seb said she has to warm up to you Oliver said you're a uncle I said I will gladly be Lucy uncle Oliver POV I call Lucy to come down stairs she came sit next to me I said Lucy this is uncle Jesse she said are you going to hurt me she said scared voice Jesse said no babygirl Then she walk to Jesse and hugged him then we all hung out for the rest of the day

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