Sebastian POV it's now night time and it's time for a bath but we need diapers cause I offered my bed to her and I will sleep in the guest room so I ask Oliver if could go pick some up he said sure and a outfit or two ok he went to the store and I gave her my phone to watch YouTube videos and she landed on this channel and it was Dave and Ava (it is actually a YouTube channel called Dave and Ava and is good for toddlers) And Sebastian heard her sing along.
---30 minutes later---
Oliver came back and got the bags out of the car and put them in front of us and said I think I went overboard Sebastian said you think he said laughing. I got toys, clothing, diapers, underwear and shoes and Sebastian said let get you a bath ok princess and said started to cry her mom would go in the bathroom and hit her and touch her she said Oliver walk over to her and said we won't ever hurt you babygirl than she stop crying and we went to the bathroom and took her clothes off and me and Sebastian was in shock she had so many bruises on her arm and stomach and legs we said what happened princess at the same time she says they hit and beat me. Sebastian said no I can't do this can you bath her please Oliver. Sure Oliver said. Once they finally got done with bathing her we tried to get her to eat again.

Adopted by the Moy Brothers
Aktuelle LiteraturThis story is about Sebastian and Oliver adopting a kid and her name is Lucy Lucy story: She was abused by parents and her father raped her and every sense than she was scared of men so she decided to run away to the orphanage and read to find out m...