Getting reacquainted

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After spending some alone time together, getting reacquainted with each other. I dressed so I could collect Jacob when the others brought him home.

I heard a knock at the door, answering it to find Erik holding Jacob, and he's knocked out. I took him from Erik.

"Alex, can we talk?" Erik asked me.

"Yeah, sure, let me put Jacob down," I said as I took Jacob in his room. I put him to bed and came out. I walked over to Erik. "What's going on?"

He looked at me. "I need to tell you something but please don't hate me."

"What?" I asked with a look.

Then Erik told me everything. How he knew Jake was alive and didn't bother to say to me even after we made it out of there. I stood there with furrowed brows as he explained everything. I couldn't believe him.

"Say something," Erik said, looking at me.

"Get out," I whispered.

"Alex," Erik said.

"Get out, Erik. How could you? You knew how I was when they told me he was dead! How could you pretend while lying next to me?" I yelled. I tried to keep my voice down, but I was so angry.

He walked to the door and opened it, "I may have lied because I didn't want you to suffer another heartbreak in case Jake didn't survive, but you lied to us, too." With that, he walked out and closed the door.

I stood there. How could Erik justify his actions? I lied to escape a killer; he lied to protect his ass. I was furious until I felt two arms slide around me from behind me.

"I know you're angry, but trust me; he did what was best for you," Jake said.

"He lied to me. He didn't tell me that he saw you alive," I said, shaking my head.

Jake turned me around to face him. "Alex, he didn't lie. He didn't tell you because he didn't know if I was still alive."

"Are you defending him?" I questioned.

"No, but I understand why Erik did it. We talked during therapy. He told me everything that happened when I was absent. How you cried yourself to sleep at night, you were barely functioning, you used to talk in your sleep and call my name," Jake said as I looked at him.

"Because I missed you so much," I said as my voice broke.

He placed his hand on my face. "Look at me. I'm here, and I'm never leaving again," Jake said as I nodded. He wiped my tears, and I wrapped my arms around him, then Jacob awoke, crying.

"Let me," Jake said as he went to check on him.


I walked into Jacob's room and saw him sitting up, crying. I walked over and picked him up. "Hey, what's the matter?"

Jacob said nothing but held on tightly to me as he buried his face into me.

"Did you have a bad dream?" I asked.

He nodded.

"It's okay; Daddy has you," I reassured Jacob.

I took a seat in a rocking chair as I held Jacob, rocking back and forth with him. I had missed this. I lost a lot of things that happened as all of Jacob's firsts. Frank took that from me. Good thing he was dead.

Alex walked in and took a seat.

"When they first took me, things were so disoriented, then over time, all I thought about was you and Jacob," I pointed at Jacob. "I thought by using that; I would hold on to that one piece of thing I had left."

"What's that?" Alex asked.

"Hope," I answered. "Alex, we all need Hope in our lives. It's what gets us through the rough and bad times. I know you don't understand, but I think Erik didn't want to give you hope only to have to take it away from you."

"I know, but now I'm angry," she sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"I am too. I'm angry at the fact that I missed so much. Angry that I had to watch my wife and best friend sleep together. Angry with everything, but anger will not give me back that time, it will destroy what I have now. I don't want to be angry," I explained to her. That was the truth.

Anger doesn't help. It hurts and destroys. I already lost the most precious thing we can have, time. I didn't want to miss anymore with feeling angry.

Once Jacob fell back asleep, I kissed him and laid him back down in his bed. Both of us left his room and went to ours.

All I wanted to do was cuddle my wife and hold her. I've waited so long to do that, and now I had the chance.

We went to bed, and I pulled her to me. I snuggled into her and drifted off to sleep. Then the nightmares came. I woke up screaming, waking her.

"Jake?" Alex asked, concerned.

"Nightmare," was all I could get out as I rubbed my face.

She rubbed my back, comforting me. "Have you seen anyone about this?"

"No," I answered.

"I think you should," she advised. "I had many nightmares because of Frank. It landed me in the hospital because of it."

I looked at her and furrowed my brows.

"Trust me; don't let Frank win. He's not worth it," Alex reminded me.

"Okay," I said as I kissed her. We laid back down, and I laid thinking. If anyone should understand its Alex. How she ever got tied up with a guy like that, and her parents allowed it is beyond me? He was a monster.

I woke the next day to hear noises. I got out of bed and walked out of the room to listen to Alex in the kitchen and Jacob babbling.

I walked over, and he ran to me. I picked him up and carried him into the kitchen. Then Alex kissed me. "Are you going to see someone today?"

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Jake." She gave me a look. I knew that look.

"Alex, I will go see someone. I also have to figure out what I will do. Considering people think I'm dead," I reminded her.

"How about a surprise?" She said, making a surprise gesture. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'll get it figured out, but I want to spend time with this guy," I said, tickling Jacob as he giggled.

"Well, just know, no matter what, I'll support you," Alex said as she put food on a plate. I sat Jacob in his high chair while she set a plate of food down in front of him. She then brought over two more plates. I dug into the food.

"When did you learn how to cook?" I asked.

"You need to know when your child is hungry. Plus, I had a great teacher," she smirked. That made me chuckle.

After we ate, I took a shower. Alex was getting Jacob ready, so I could get ready to see a therapist, a therapist. As the water cascaded over me, I closed my eyes, and that's when the memories flooded back. I cringed every time I saw one - the horrors of what I went through in captivity.

I hadn't realized that I was screaming until I heard the door open and the shower curtain move.

"Jake?" Alex asked.

"I'm fine," I said. That was a lie. I wasn't fine. Alex looked at me, and I couldn't look at her. I knew she knew. You can't hide something like this no matter how hard you try.

"Jake," Alex said.

"Alex, I said I was fine," I snapped. She looked at me with furrowed brows. Shit. "Alex."

"Jake, you are not fine," she said firmly. She walked away, shaking her head as I sighed. I didn't mean to snap at her, but everything is overwhelming at the moment. God, I hope this person can help me.

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