It all ends

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"I could so pull the trigger at this moment," Frank said.

"Fine, then I pull mine." Ace shrugged.

He turned around and came face to face with Ace.

"Did you honestly think you would walk away from this? It was a matter of time before it all caught up with you, you a piece of shit," Ace grumbled.

"It doesn't matter because more and more will emerge like me," Frank said with an evil look.

"See, that's where you're wrong. Santiago's found out quickly how wrong they were as you will find out how wrong you are. When I put a damn bullet in your head," Ace growled.

"Well, if I will go down, might as well be in a blaze of glory," Frank said as he held up the gun and pressed the trigger only for Ace to push his, riddling Frank with bullets.

As Frank fell to the ground, coughing and choking, Ace walked over, "Never fuck with a man's family, especially mine," with that, he put a bullet in Frank's head.

He lowered his gun and put it away. "Get him down," Ace ordered Zack and Sean, who untied me. They placed my arms around their shoulders, leading me out of the room.

Erik walked out of the building carrying Alex with their friends meeting them.

"Oh, god! Alex," Grace yelled as she ran over to Erik and Alex.

"Alex's fine. She's knocked out. We need to get her out of here," Erik told them. They nodded and made their way away from the building.


I awoke with a nasty headache and in a hospital bed. What the hell?

"Hey, shh, it's okay," Erik whispered.

"What happened, and why am I in the hospital?" I asked, confused.

"They knocked out you and me. The people came for us," Erik explained.

"Oh god, Jacob," I said, getting upset.

"He's fine. He's with Ryan and Grace," Erik assured me. I was so confused about everything. Guess what happens when you're unconscious.

They released me, and we returned home. I've never been so happy in all my life to be back. Maggie had some people repair the door from the damage done.

Ryan and Grace brought Jacob home, and I hugged Jacob. What a freakish nightmare?

Matt and Ashley also stopped by the apartment.

"Okay, is it me, or can we have a peaceful senior year?" Grace asked us.

"Peaceful sounds good to me." I smiled as I held Jacob, giving him hugs and kisses.

"Thank god because listening to this twit yell at us was giving me a headache," Ashley groaned, causing us to laugh.

All I wanted was a typical senior year with no complications. After everyone left, Erik and I sat on the couch while Jacob played.

"So, how bad was it?" I asked Erik.

"Oh, you know, get knocked out and kidnapped, taken to someplace where you're locked in a room. The usual," Erik said as I chuckled.

"Well, I'm heading to bed," I sighed as I got up, picking up Jacob.

"Yeah, I'll be right there," Erik said as I walked out of the room.


I sat there. Is Jake alive? All this time, he has been active, and no one knew. I was still in shock over it. What do I tell Alex? If I tell her, she will want to see Jake, and I don't even know where he is. He could be dead now.

If I tell Aled and Jake is dead, then she will mourn him all over again. I can't do that to her. Watching her suffer the first time around was heartbreaking. I had to make a choice, and that was not to tell Alex.

I got up and went into the bedroom to find Alex already asleep. I changed and joined her. As I wrapped my arms around her, she snuggled into me, snoozing lightly.

"Forgive me, for not telling you," I whispered as I fell asleep.


I awoke in a hospital bed. Everything was a blur. I looked over to see Ace sitting in a chair. He saw me awoke and rose from his chair.

"Where am I?" I asked through a raspy voice.

"You're in a hospital in Michigan. I brought you home," Ace explained.

"Alex," I said.

"She's fine. Jacob is fine, and they are safe," Ace told me.

"I need to see her," I said, pushing myself up only to groan in pain.

"Not now, you've been through too much. You need to get better first," Ace reasoned.

"That's my wife and child," I said firmly.

"Jake, you will not do them any good if you are dead. You're lucky to be alive. What Frank did to you is worse than any animal," Ace explained.

"Where is that bastard?" I asked angrily.

"Frank's dead. I made sure of it," Ace said.

"So, it's over?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"It's over," Ace replied.

I laid back down. My body felt weak. I had lost muscle tone and a lot of blood from what they did to me. Ace was right. If I wanted to see my family, I needed to get better.

I lay there deep in thoughts when I felt a tap on my arm. I looked to see a woman standing there. Then she started to sign. I didn't know what she was saying because I didn't know sign language.

"She asked how you are feeling?" Ace told me. She nodded.

"Sore," I said as he signed for me.

I watched them go back and forth while he translated for her. "She said she hopes you feel better. Get it? Her name is Hope."

She smiled, and that made me laugh a little.

"She got you to smile and laugh. That's good because it helps," Ace reasoned.

"How do you sign, thank you?" I asked Ace, and he showed me. I signed thank you to Hope.

I had a feeling I was going to learn a lot of sign language while I was recuperating. That's fine as long as I could return to my family one day and after I punch Erik. I owe him one.

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