Chapter 8

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You realize that Sub is always up at 4:00 am. You sometimes go downstairs and spy on him. You wake up and get Sub. "Hey, Sub, can we talk?" You ask him. "Sure!" He says. You bring him to your bedroom. Ethan figured out that you could just stay in the guest bedroom. "So, what do you want to talk abou-" You cut Sub off. "You need to tell everyone about your 'powers'!" You say. "I can't..." He says. "Why not?" You ask. "I'm afraid everyone won't like me anymore..." He says. "Sub... do you really think... that Denis, Alex, Elijah, Ethan, Flebsy and Braden won't like you after you tell them?" You ask. "Yes!" Sub says. "They won't." You say. You drag Sub downstairs. You make sure everyone is there. "Sub has something to tell you guys." You say. "Ok, Sub, you got this." You say. "Uh.." Sub says. "You got this! Remember, they are your best friends." You whisper. Everyone stares. "Uh, well... look." Sub says. He makes one of those green orbs you saw a couple days ago. Everyone has their mouths wide open. He throws the orb. "Show them the invisible thing." You whisper in his ear. He turns the couch invisible and then turns in back to visible. "So, uh, guys." Sub says. Everyone has their mouths open and they are all just speechless. Corl faints into Denis' arms. "Hone- uh.. Braden..!  "YOU HAVE POWERS?!?!" Elijah and Ethan scream. "Uh, y-yeah." Sub says. Alex still is staring at Sub. "Braden..?" Denis asks as he pokes Corl. Sub looks at Alex and Alex looks away immediately. You see Alex blush. "I told you." Sub says to you. He walks upstairs. "Wait..!" Alex says. Alex runs to Sub and hugs him. Sub slowly puts his arms around him. Alex starts crying on Subs shoulder. "Aw, what's wrong?" Sub says. Braden finally wakes up. "What happened..?" Braden asks. "Don't you remember?! Sub has powers!?" Denis says. "Oh yeah." Braden says. Alex is just sobbing on Subs shoulder. Sublex warning. "I-I love y-you..." Alex says. "O-oh... m-me too.." Sub says. "AWWWWWWW, SUBLEX." You fangirl over it. "It's ok, Alex.." Sub says. Elijah smiles. "This is so cute." Elijah whispers to Ethan. Alex stops hugging and slowly kisses Sub. Alex and Sub walk next to Denis while holding hands. "Lets take a group picture." Corl says. He gets out his phone. Even Flebsy gets in. Corl reaches out but it can't fit everyone. Denis walks away and gets a selfie stick. He takes the picture. In the picture: Elijah is on Ethan's shoulders, Corl's head is on Denis' shoulder, Sub and Alex are holding hands, and you and Flebsy are crouched down in front of everyone. You are all smiling. This is the best day of your life. 

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