Chapter 13

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You arrive back at the house. You get in the shower and wash off all of the sand. You get out of the shower, with a towel on. You walk into the bedroom and lock the door. You dry off and you put your 'I <3 Cats' shirt on with some leggings. You go downstairs and plop on the couch. You fall asleep and have a dream.

Again, this is based off of a dream I had. I had this dream when I was 8 years old so don't judge meh ;-;

I sit on the floor in a tiny cabin with the pals. We are talking about what good the show Henry Danger (xD Lmaooo I'm sorry) is. All of a sudden, Denis gets sucked into a portal with Alex. Corl gets turned into a pig. Elijah stays the same. And a baby Henry Danger, in his costume, appears out of nowhere. "We have to save Denis and Alex!" I say.

You sleep for about 2 hours. You get woken up from a knock on the door. Corl gets the door. "Sub!!" Corl says. You smile and walk to the door. "GUYS! SUB IS BACK!" You yell. Sub smiles and walks into the front door. Everyone gathers around the door. "Hi, Sub!" Alex says, hugging Sub. Sub blushes for just a second, then he hugs back. After a few minutes of hugging and saying hello, you go sit back on the couch. You are happy Sub is back. You lay down and fall asleep (I know, you are really tired in this chapter xD). After about 1 hour, someone taps you on the shoulder. It's Ethan. "We are going to go back home." He says. "Oh, okay." You say. You walk upstairs and pack up. You put your Bandi hat on. You go downstairs and get in the car. You say goodbye to Sam and Jent.

Time Skip to The Pals Household

You walk through the door first and unpack. By now, it's 9:47 pm. You get into some pj's and get in your bed. You fall asleep. You wake up. Alex walks into your room. "Come downstairs! We have a surprise for you." Alex says. "Uh, okay. Just let me get dressed." You say. Alex walks back downstairs. You get dressed quickly and put your Bandi hat on backwards. You walk downstairs. "What is it?" You ask. "You... Get to go to school!" Elijah says. "Yay!!" You say, jumping up with a big smile on your face. "Wait, your not mad/sad?" Corl says. "Are you kidding? I love school! (I don't know why I made you a big nerd... I just felt like it xD)" You say. "Oh, well, you go tomorrow." Denis says. "YAY!" You say.

Time Skip to Tomorrow

You wake up and smile. You get dressed with your 'I <3 Cats' shirt and your Bandi hat. You go downstairs and Ethan, Sub, and Flebsy are already are at the dining table. "So, Y/N, Corl will drive you to school." Ethan says. "Now, go wake him up!" Sub says. "Mwhaha.." You say, evilly. You go upstairs and quietly open Corls door. You sneakily sneak next to him. "BAH!" You scream. He flinches and opens his eyes. He smiles slightly. "Wow, you are a deep sleeper (I always imagined Corl as a deep sleeper XD)." You say. "I guess so. Now why are you waking me up?" Corl says. "You have to drive me to school!" You say. "Can't hon-... Denis drive you to school?" Corl says. "OH MY GERDD, THE DORL IS REAL." You say. Corl smiles. "No, because you... uh... you have to drive me!" You say, with an awkward smile. "Fine.." Corl says, getting out of bed.


Also, I might be able to add people to the story. IT'S NOT A YES, IT'S NOT A NO. SO DON'T ASK ME

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